Many children are unenthusiastic about reading because they think books are not exciting. So, we have included some fun reading activities for kids to help them develop positive feelings toward reading. Children benefit significantly from reading as it helps develop their brain, boost memory, and develop imagination. If you want your children to start reading, involve them in fun activities and encourage them in different ways, such as setting a good example by reading yourself or creating a suitable environment for them to read. So, read about the different benefits of reading books, the activities you can plan, and the useful tips you can follow.

The Benefits Of Reading

There are some  parents who are alright with the fact that their child does not like to read. Why should he read when the same information is available through meaningful programs on TV and the internet? But reading doesn’t merely help to assimilate knowledge- it serves a better purpose as well. For those of you who remain skeptical about the effects of reading, here’s how reading can influence your child positively:

Positive impact on the brain

There’s no better way to keep the mind alert than to have a good read. Reading is a neurologically demanding task that causes the brain to expand and enhances learning capacity. So, get your child to read and help her boost his concentration and keep his memory sharp.

Reading improves your child vocabulary

The obvious benefit of reading habits in children is improvement in vocabulary. To improve your child’s vocabulary, get her to read books. Being articulate will not only help your child improve self- confidence, but it will also help her achieve success in professional life.

Boosts imagination

Ever wondered how your favorite book turned out to be such a bad movie? Reading boosts imagination and visualization. Even the grandest movie remake cannot compare to a novel. So, help your child boost their  imagination and visualization skills.

10 Interesting Fun Reading Activities For Kids

Reading has hundreds of benefits. All you need to do is help your little one to get into the habit of reading. Here are some interesting reading activities.

1. Read together daily

You Will Need:

A wide range of interesting storybooks for your kids

How To:

2. Play pre-reading games

You Will Need:

26 Cards Sketch pens

How To:

3. Create a reading corner

You Will Need:

Some pillows Soft blanket A bean bag A small bookshelf Your kid’s favorite books and new storybooks and picture books

How To:

4. Play board games

You Will Need:

Interesting board games, such as Scrabble, Boggle, Bananagrams, and other similar board games

How To:

5. Gift joke books

You Will Need:

Get interesting joke books that have easy-to-read jokes.

How To:

6. Provide children’s magazines and newspaper

You Will Need:

Children’s magazines and newspapers.

How To:

7. Organize a children’s party

You Will Need:

Kid’s favorite delicacies Party dress or kid’s favorite dress Storybooks meant for children Small gifts

How To:

8. Join a library:

You Will Need:

Subscription to a local library that has children’s book or local children’s library

How To:

9. Organize a family read-aloud

You Will Need:

Children’s books, newspapers, and magazines, and reading games.

How To:

10. Acquaint your kids with tablet apps and ebooks

You Will Need:

Tablet and tablet applications Ebooks

How To:

How To Encourage Kids To Read?

1. Practice what you preach

Practicing what you preach is the golden rule of parenting. When was the last time you read a book? Remember, that you need to lead by example. So pick up a book before you ask your child to follow your cue.

2. Simulate the right environment

As a parent, you want to encourage your child to read more. A brilliant way to get children to read is to simulate an environment that encourages the habit. Consider buying books or subscribing to newspapers or magazines. Take your little munchkin to book fairs, or a bookshop that offers reading space. Visit the local library with your child. Teach your child to value their books. Gift them  books as presents for birthdays and special occasions or offer them as rewards for their achievements.

3. Share your experiences

When you read, your child comes up to you and asks you to tell you about the plot or the book. Even if they cannot relate to the story, or the book isn’t age adequate, make the story up as you go along. Sharing stories will subtly introduce the concept that there is a magical and imaginative world within books and pique your child’s curiosity. Studies assert that sharing your experiences is perhaps the best way to stimulate your child’s imagination and quicken their emotional development. So, discuss the book you are reading with your child. If you read something interesting or incredible, share the story with your little one.

4. Socializing through books

  Peer pressure often helps children develop reading as a habit. Perhaps you could encourage a group of children to form a reading club. Create a comfortable environment for children to read. Ask them to discuss the book they’re reading, the same way they would discuss their favorite video game. In fact, starting a reading club for the children is a great summer activity that keeps them inside the house and away from the hot afternoon sun. It encourages fellow parents in your neighborhood  to start a young children’s book club and it could be a great way to build community.

5. Connect reading to real world issues

Your child may be adamant about not reading. One way to encourage them to see how important reading is to  what you read with what is happening around the world. Newspapers help you do just that. Encourage your child to read the kids’ news section in the newspaper. Books need not be only study material for your child.

6. Read to your kids

A research paper by John Hutton of the Reading and Literacy Discovery Center, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center concludes that there is a positive link between reading and brain activity. If you read to your child, chances are he will be better at ‘extracting the meaning from language’. Parents who regularly read to their children can boost their child’s potential and help them develop logical thinking skills.

7. Play word games

Games are a fun way to introduce a new word or even correct their spelling. You can begin by giving her a word and asking her to come up with another word with a similar meaning. Continue the chain by suggesting another synonym. Encourage your child to play games like Scrabble or other word games.

8. Curtail TV/video game time

Limit screen time to help attention span and spark creativity. Make time for other activities such as board games or word games. Watching too much TV slows the brain down and may lead to higher levels of anxiety among children. While limiting screens, children may drift towards reading.