Ovary pain during pregnancy can be due to several underlying conditions and often manifest as pelvic or abdominal pain. It is common during the early stages of pregnancy, especially in the first trimester (1). Irrespective of the symptoms and the trimester, consult your healthcare provider if you experience severe abdominal pain, specifically in the pelvic region, to rule out underlying morbidities. This post will guide you through the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of ovary pains during pregnancy.

Is Ovary Pain A Sign Of Implantation?

Ovarian pain can be a sign of implantation if it arises from ovarian cysts (corpus luteum cyst), which are common during pregnancy and help sustain it (2). However, ovarian pain can also indicate an ectopic pregnancy, where the egg implants outside the uterus, such as in the fallopian tubes or ovary (3) . Hence, any abdominal pain during pregnancy should be made known to the healthcare provider.

What Are The Causes Of Ovarian Pain?

Although ovarian pain is common in pregnancy, its causes can vary and, sometimes, lead to other health conditions. The causes of ovarian pain include You may experience symptoms such as bleeding as the pregnancy progresses and should consult your healthcare provider (6). Eight out of ten miscarriages occur in the first three months of pregnancy and are present with bleeding, lower back pain, lower abdominal pain, and cramps (6). Common symptoms include a burning sensation while peeing, pain in the bladder or lower abdomen, and blood in the urine (9).

How Is Ovarian Pain Diagnosed?

The diagnosis for ovarian pain largely depends on the symptoms and causes and is made using the following diagnostic tools (12) (13):

For UTI and kidney stone-related pain, urine analysis is carried out to test for UTI-causing bacteria.

For pain caused by an ectopic pregnancy, ovarian cyst rupture, or torsion, a pelvic examination, such as pelvic ultrasound and diagnostic laparoscopy.

When Should You Seek Help?

Ovarian pain may suggest underlying complications if accompanied by severe or persistent symptoms. Hence, contact your healthcare provider if any of the following symptoms arise (4):

Vomiting or nausea

Vaginal discharge, bleeding, or spotting

Fever with chills

Persistent pains for long durations


Pain accompanied by breathing difficulty

Can Ovarian Pain Be Managed At Home?

You could try these home remedies for ovary pain if your healthcare provider rules out any complications (6):

Simple stretching exercises

Prenatal yoga and meditation

Sufficient water intake

Ample rest to regain strength and ease fatigue

Sitting with your knees close to the chest to minimize pressure

Shifting positions often

What Are The Treatments For Ovarian Pain?

The treatments for ovarian pain may depend on the cause and symptoms of the pain.

Medication: The medication prescribed would primarily depend on the cause and severity of the pain. Your doctor may prescribe certain pain relief medications for pain control during further investigations (7) (8) (11). For ectopic pregnancy, methotrexate may be injected into the body (3). Note: You can take medications only after consultation with your healthcare provider.

Surgery: Ovarian pain due to ectopic pregnancy requires immediate surgery. In case of ovarian torsion, laparoscopic surgery or laparotomy may be performed. Cystoscopy may be carried out for kidney stones that do not dissolve naturally or with medication (6) (11).
