Dry skin and lips, lightheadedness, or persistent thirst may indicate dehydration. Ignoring the signs of dehydration in pregnancy may negatively impact your health and that of your baby. Therefore, you should take steps to address the problem. Keep reading this post to know the effects dehydration can have during pregnancy, how long it takes to recover, and the measures you need to adopt to avoid the problem.

What Causes Dehydration During Pregnancy?

Some of the common causes of dehydration during pregnancy are: The symptoms of morning sickness result in the loss of fluids and electrolytes from your body, causing dehydration. Moreover, nausea might not allow you to take fluids, making it harder for the body to regain the lost water (1). Some other factors that increase the risk of dehydration are:

Signs And Symptoms Of Dehydration In Pregnancy

Once your body is depleted of water, it shows the symptoms and signs of being dehydrated. It is vital for you to recognize them (5).

Severe dehydration symptoms could be

Dehydration is a common problem that all of us experience. But could it lead to some serious complications during pregnancy?

What Are The Effects Of Dehydration During Pregnancy?

During the first trimester of pregnancy, dehydration might result in two risks: Dehydration caused by morning sickness could lead to nausea, thus making the problem cyclic. When you feel nauseous, you do not feel like drinking more water and then get more nauseous. If a pregnant woman does not take enough fluids to avoid dehydration, she might have to be hospitalized for administering IV fluids (6). During the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, dehydration might pose the risk of premature births. It is one of the reasons for premature contractions (7).

Treatment For Dehydration During Pregnancy

If you are experiencing dehydration symptoms, you could regain the lost fluids by consuming more water.

Water, herbal tea, and decaffeinated coffee are good options. Image: Shutterstock

Fruit juices, soft drinks, milk, soups are acceptable but to a lesser extent than those above.

Say no to alcoholic beverages.

How Much Water Should You Drink When Pregnant?

According to Liesel Teen, BSN, RN, the founder of Mommy Labor Nurse, “During pregnancy, your blood volume increases by approximately 50%, which means you need even more water to combat dehydration.” Thus, you need to drink eight to ten glasses of water daily (8). The quantity may include the beverages you consume, but, ideally, your first option should be plain water. Fluids such as juice, milk, tea, and coffee contain water and contribute to your fluid intake, but they also give you extra calories. Your body needs extra water to perform additional functions during pregnancy.

When To Call A Doctor?

If dehydration is mild, it could be treated at home. But, if the above remedies do not work and you start experiencing severe symptoms, you should see your healthcare provider without any delay. Your healthcare provider may advise you to get hospitalized so that a comprehensive line of tests is conducted to understand the underlying cause. Intravenous therapy is then prescribed, which is likely to replenish your body with essential water and nutrients.

Preventing Dehydration During Pregnancy

Fatigue caused due to dehydration might bring down the energy levels, making you feel dull and lethargic. To avoid this, make sure you drink enough water every day.

Drinking a cup of water (150-180 ml), for every hour that you are awake, is an excellent way to get your daily quota of H2O.

If you are finding it difficult to drink plain water, you may try adding a few slices of lemon, cranberry, watermelon, or orange to your everyday diet. Image: Shutterstock

Liquids such as soups, juices, and smoothies also are a part of the daily water requirement for the body. So, if you find drinking plain water boring, drink them instead.

“If nausea or vomiting is preventing you from getting an adequate amount of water, talk to your provider about medications that might help ease the symptoms and make water consumption more realistic,” says Teen

Avoid caffeine-related products, processed fruit juices, and sodas as the ingredients might increase your urine output, causing dehydration.

Take extra care to keep yourself hydrated when performing strenuous exercises or spending a long time in hot weather.
