Your boyfriend doesn’t want you to leave his side. He wants to be a part of all your plans and stays concerned about your whereabouts. You may consider the gestures as care and affection. But is it really love or signs of a controlling boyfriend? Differentiating true love from controlling behavior can be tricky. Often the signs are so subtle that you end up being in a controlling relationship without realizing it. Since staying in such a relationship can be damaging, knowing the telltale signs of a controlling boyfriend can help you take the necessary measures to avoid an emotional breakdown later. Keep reading as we give you an insight into the signs your boyfriend is controlling with practical tips to deal with him.

Why Your Boyfriend Might Want To Control You?

When a person tries to control someone else’s life, it could damage for both parties. There can be several reasons for a person to exhibit controlling behavior. An individual may try to control you due to:

Insecurity Low or damaged self-esteem Lack of trust Anxiety Fear of abandonment

Certain personality disorders, such as narcissistic personality disorder and emotional sensitivity, are additional reasons a person may develop controlling behavior.

12 Signs Of A Controlling Boyfriend

Signs of a controlling personality aren’t instantly recognizable. Instead, they appear over time when you spend time with your partner and get to know them better. If you are sensing control in your relationship, look out for these signs to get a clear picture. Having one or two of these signs doesn’t mean your boyfriend is controlling. Sometimes, emotions take over an individual, and they may behave unreasonably. But if your boyfriend exhibits several of these signs, you should learn the practical ways to deal with them.

How To Deal With A Controlling Boyfriend?

Your boyfriend controls you, but you love him and want to give your relationship a second chance. Here are some simple strategies that can help you make him realize his mistakes.