Parents’ love for their children is unconditional and selfless. No matter what you do, you will never be able to pay back for what your parents have done for you. Writing poems about parents or dedicating one to them can be the most special way of expressing your love for them. However, when your heart is filled with gratitude and love, you want to give your parents something in return. Giving them little gifts, warm hugs, and express through words of appreciation can completely make their day. However, nothing can be as heartwarming as expressing your feelings through an eloquent poem. If you feel you are not good at playing with words, this post brings you some beautiful poems for parents that can make their hearts melt in a moment.

Poem About Parents’ Love

Here are some poems that can reflect your love for your parents.

1. To Mom And Dad

“Memories are one of the true riches That life offers, and right now, So many wonderful thoughts fill my mind. They are very special because They are our own to treasure forever. From the time I was a child, I have been blessed with The strength and support you give. You have placed your trust in me, And I know I can never repay you No matter how hard I try. I have seen in you a God-given love And you have shown this love for me In everything you have done. May God bless your lives As fully as I have been blessed because of you. I Love You!” — Unknown

2. Parents

“Parents are always there Always letting you know they care In the darkness they are the light, They can make even the darkest days bright. Earwigs, roaches and spiders, they’re not scared of any For our happiness they’d trade every penny. They scare away the monsters from beneath our bed, ‘I’ll love you forever’ they’ve often said. They also nag and give us curfews More and more responsibilities to review ‘No going on dates till your 16’ When you go out fill the car with gasoline They always tell us to shoot for the stars, Who knew love could be so hard? No matter how much you hated them and thought they were wrong, You still miss them when they are gone. Parents will forever be our friends, And love us unconditionally till the end.” — Christine Mulvihill

3. My Parents, My Heroes

“My parents are my greatest heroes, For they help me defeat my foes. Without them, I wouldn’t be here now. To follow their ways is my vow. The love and support they give me, Gives me so much glee. They always show me that there is hope, At times when I can’t cope. I’ll always love and obey them, And treasure them like a gem. I’ll always give them praise, For they put a smile on my face.” — Lucy Ginny Poems About Mother You cannot appreciate enough all the things that your mother does for you. Her love for her children has no bounds at all, and all she needs are a few kind words that can melt her heart. Here, we have a couple of lovely poems you can use to share your sentiments about your mother.

4. Super Mom

“Mom, you’re a wonderful mother, So gentle, yet so strong. The many ways you show you care Always make me feel like I belong. You’re patient when I’m foolish; You give guidance when I ask; It seems you can do almost anything; You’re the master of every task. You’re a dependable source of comfort; You’re my cushion when I fall. You help in times of trouble; You support me whenever I call. I love you more than you know; You have my total respect. If I had my choice of mothers, You’d be the one I’d select!” — Joanna Fuchs

5. The Love Of A Mother

“A Mother’s love is something that no one can explain, It is made of deep devotion and of sacrifice and pain It is endless and unselfish and enduring come what may For nothing can destroy it or take that love away It is patient and forgiving when all others are forsaking, And it never fails or falters even though the heart is breaking It believes beyond believing when the world around condemns, And it glows with all the beauty of the rarest, brightest gems It is far beyond defining, it defies all explanation, And it still remains a secret like the mysteries of creation A many splendored miracle man cannot understand And another wondrous evidence of God’s tender guiding hand.” — Unknown Poems About Father We usually talk less about our fathers in comparison to how much we speak of our mothers. In any case, fathers will always be our heroes, and they have a great impact on our life. Let’s have a look at a couple of poems about a father’s love.

6. The Perfect Father

“I love you because you’re my father, But you’re really so much more; You’re a guide and a companion; You and I have a great rapport. You pay attention to me; You listen to what I say. You pass on words of wisdom, Helping me along the way. Whenever I’m in trouble, You always have a plan. You are the perfect father, And I’m your biggest fan.” — Karl Fuchs Thank You Poems For Parents Our parents do everything for us. Sometimes, appreciating them and saying thank you would fill their hearts with the warmth of love. We have a list of a few ‘thank you poems for parents,’ to show your gratitude for all that they do.

7. Thank You To My Parents

“Thank you for always being there and knowing just what to do Thank you for knowing the words to say when I’m feeling way beyond blue Thank you for patiently listening to all my worries and stresses Thank you for caring enough to get me out of all my messes Thank you for being a phone call away or around the corner to run to Thank you for your door always being open and knowing just what to do Thank you for being my constant support when I didn’t think I could cope Thank you for lifting my spirits and letting me know there is hope Thank you for being the best parents a daughter could ever wish for I love you with all my heart today and forever more.” — Unknown

8. Thanks Mom And Dad

“As we go on down life’s path With all its wonders and dreams We often fail to take notice Of what life really means So I’m going to take one moment To give my point of view That there is no finer parents Than I find in both of you Now I’m giving all my thanks To the Heavens up above For giving me the wisest parents To whom I give my love So thank you mom and dad Just for always being there And showing that we’re truly loved And that you really care.” — Sammie Kelley

9. Whenever I Needed You

“Whenever I needed you You were just a call away Even though I held the phone And had nothing to say You both always understood Whenever I wanted to cry To explain my problems I never had to try Thanks for always being there For watching my back Without parents like you My life wouldn’t be on track Thank you.” — Unknown

Short Poems On Parents

If you are looking for short poems to say it on your parent’s special day or to write it on the greeting card, then we have a few of them here for you.

10. Through All My Worries

“Through all my worries All my stress Through all my hassles All the mess Because of you I stayed afloat That is the reason I want to thank you both” — Unknown

11. Mother And Father

“I don’t need Father’s Day To say I love you dad Buying gifts on Mother’s Day Is just another fad Giving thanks to my parents Each and every day Is how I’ll express my gratitude For showing me the way.” — Unknown

12. Mom Dad

“Mom Dad Just letting you know You both are no less than the best I go ahead and would like to bow Now I realize You both, in my life, Are my biggest prize.” — Unknown

13. Super Mom And Super Dad

“I’m so lucky To have mommy And daddy like you, My life is so much sweeter Because I could not get anything better, Thank you for being my super-duper parents!” — Unknown