Life is a rollercoaster ride full of twists and turns. If you are looking for some beautiful poems about life, this post is for you. A good poem gives you different perspectives on life through the poet’s experience or imagination. Reading poetry helps you make sense of the world in a novel way. In this post, we have combined several moving poems about life by some influential poets. Read them and get inspired to live your best life.

Inspirational Poems About Life

These poems have a deeper understanding and a meaningful insight towards life, and the poets convey their experiences and lessons that life has taught them.

Short Poems About Life

As one of the powerful forms of expression, poetry provides advice, suggestions, gives courage, and motivates to move forward in life. So let us read through some short, meaningful verses here.

1. Shine

Life is something we all share, Just like oxygen in the air. The way we live it, is up to us, With a negative or with a plus. Life is something we should cherish, We never know when we’ll perish. Live each and every single day, Smell the flowers, stop and play. Life is something we’ve been blessed, Choice is yours; choose your quest. Follow your passions, and you’ll be fine, With the right attitude, you will shine. — Unknown

2. Perseverance

We must not hope to be mowers, And to gather the ripe, golden ears, Unless we have first been sowers, And watered the flowers with tears. It is not just as we take it, This wonderful world of ours Life’s field will yield as we make it A harvest of thorns or of flowers. — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

3. Unity

If I were told that I must die to-morrow, That the next sun Which sinks should bear one past all fear and sorrow For anyone, All the fight fought, all the short journey through: What should I do? I do not think that I should shrink or falter, But just go on, Doing my work, nor change, nor seek to alter Aught that is gone; But rise and move and love and smile and pray For one more day. — Susan Coolidge

4. Struggles Come Your Way

Just because struggles come your way Doesn’t mean it can ruin your day The good and the bad are a way of life Don’t get down; move beyond the strife. We must live life, taking things in stride Helping each other, stoping any divide Life is better when we support and love And that is what’s expected from above. You see, we were given choices to make We are not robots; we are not fake So if you’re faced with a trial or two Don’t give up; let others help you through. — Catherine Pulsifer

5. A Life Built

A life built on the sands of celebrity Can be wrecked by the rains of reverses. A life built on the sands of materialism Can be destroyed by the floods of adversity. A life built on the sands of pleasure Can be blown down by the winds of disillusionment. Only the life that is built on the rock of character Can withstand the tempests of time. — William Arthur Ward

6. Paint Your Life

Life is like a piece of art, It requires lots of heart. Choose your paint and your brush, Take your time, avoid the rush. Before you paint, choose your theme, Don’t be afraid to follow your dream. It’s alright to make a mistake. Your painting is real; it’s not fake. Look at your painting, don’t be crying, Begin again; keep on trying. Your painting is never fully complete, Enjoy the process; make sure it’s sweet. — Unknown

7. When Does Life Begin

Does life begin when you obtain more things? Or does life begin when you make big earnings? Does life begin when tomorrow dawns Or does tomorrow just make you yawn? The only life we have to live Is today the day we have to give Don’t wait for a certain thing For happiness to bring. Live each day and live it full Don’t waste it and be a fool Begin each day and be thankful for All that the day has in store! — Catherine Pulsifer

8. Time Is Swift

Pluck the rose while blooming; Now ’tis fresh and bright; Wait not till to-morrow; Time is swift in flight. Do thy deeds of kindness. Ere to-morrow’s light; What may come, we know not; Time is swift in flight. Would’st thou makes life useful. Work before ’tis night; Else thou’llt be regretting. Time is swift in flight. — Unknown

9. Bumpy Ride

Life has many ups and downs, Loving smiles and also frowns. Good events and some are bad, Happy emotions, others mad. It can be a bumpy ride, How you handle it, you decide! — Unknown

Deep Poems About Life

These poems show us the deeper meanings and intricacies of life, struggles, happiness, and joy. Time flies, but it heals, and if you fall, it gives you the courage to pick yourself up and move on.

Famous Poems About Life

These poems show us various aspects of life, including gratitude, fulfillment, adversities, and many more, thus providing us valuable advice about facing life situations.

10. The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same, And both that morning equally lay In leaves, no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back. I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. — Robert Frost

11. Life

CHILDREN, ye have not lived, to you, it seems Life is a lovely stalactite of dreams, Or carnival of careless joys that leap About your hearts like billows on the deep In flames of amber and of amethyst. Children, ye have not lived, ye but exist Till some resistless hour shall rise and move Your hearts to wake and hunger after love, And thirst with passionate longing for the things That burns your brows with blood-red sufferings. Till ye have battled with great grief and fears, And borne the conflict of dream-shattering years, Wounded with fierce desire and worn with strife, Children, ye have not lived: for this is life. — Sarojini Naidu

12. Later Life

Something this foggy day, a something which Is neither of this fog nor of today, Has set me dreaming of the winds that play Past certain cliffs, along one certain beach, And turn the topmost edge of waves to spray: Ah, pleasant pebbly strand so far away, So out of reach while quite within my reach, As out of reach as India or Cathay! I am sick of where I am and where I am not, I am sick of foresight and of memory, I am sick of all I have and all I see, I am sick of self, and there is nothing new; Oh, weary impatient patience of my lot! Thus with myself: how fares it, Friends, with you? — Christina Rossetti

13. Life

What is our life? A play of passion, Our mirth the music of division, Our mother’s wombs the tiring-houses be, Where we are dressed for this short comedy. Heaven the judicious sharp spectator is, That sits and marks still who doth act amiss. Our graves that hide us from the setting sun Are like drawn curtains when the play is done. Thus march we, playing, to our latest rest, Only we die in earnest; that’s no jest. — Sir Walter Raleigh

14. My Inner Life

‘Tis true my garments threadbare are, And sorry poor I seem; But only I am richer far Than any poet’s dream. For I’ve a hidden life no one Can ever hope to see; A sacred sanctuary none May share with me. Aloof I stand from out the strife, Within my heart a song; By virtue of my inner life I to myself belong. Against man-ruling, I rebel, Yet do not fear defeat, For to my secret citadel I may retreat. Oh, you who have an inner life Beyond this dismal day With wars and evil rumors rife, Go blessedly your way. Your refuge hold inviolate; Unto yourself be true, And shield serene from sordid fate The Real You. — Robert William Service

15. The Happiest Age

What age is happiest? Had you asked me, I would have made this plea: the Now is best. What joy to live with zest each newborn day; and from the Moment, wrest what Life will give away. The Past is but a guest who came and went and left this one behest: to be content. Think how To-day is blest! We’ve eyes to see Nature in Beauty drest for you, for me. What matters that the crest of Youth is past. Youth lives within the breast with joys that last. The will to do our best, and hands for giving. Oh! Now’s the happiest, best time for living! What age is happiest? Oh! hear my vow, for I have put the test—the happiest’s Now. Sweet sighs and kindly jest for warmth and cheer; and Love’s most high bequest to crown the year. — Wilhelmina Stitch

16. Life’s Progress

Down the mountains, down the hills, Trickling on for ever; Gentle springs make little rills, Little rills the river. Rivers rolling to the sea. Lose themselves in ocean, Bearing on their bosoms free Noble ships in motion. Such is life, a constant change, Still from small to greater; Let us learn the lesson strange Taught by our Creator: Life is giv’n for noble ends, Lofty thoughts and actions, Winning to our bosom — friends Gain’d in life’s transactions. Ah! soon we’ll reach life’s ocean strand, Just like the mighty river, Safe in the hollow of that Hand Which holds the seas for ever. — John Imrie