How Many Months Pregnant Are You At 20 weeks?

In the 20th week, you are in the fifth month of pregnancy. Momjunction explains how the unborn baby develops and how your body changes this week.

How Big Is Your Baby At 20 Weeks?

At 20 weeks, your baby is about the size of a banana (1). The baby is about 10.08in (25.6cm, measured from head to toe) in length and weighs approximately 10.58oz (300g) (2).

Baby Development At 20 Weeks

Here is how the baby develops this week. Fetal position and movements: There is sufficient space inside the uterus for the fetus to move freely. You can feel the movement and kicks that feel like wiggles and flutters, also referred to as quickening. The fetus starts to suck its thumb, something that you can notice during an ultrasound. Also, the baby develops a regular wake-up and sleep pattern by this week.

What Symptoms Of Pregnancy Do You Experience In The 20th Week?

Pregnancy symptoms that you may experience during this week include:

Weight gain: The weight needs to be as per the BMI (9):

You may develop food cravings, a liking or disliking towards certain foods, due to hormonal fluctuations.

Vaginal discharge, which prevents any bacteria from entering into the uterus through the vagina. Make sure to speak with your doctor in case the discharge has a foul odor.

You could experience leg cramps at night, due to a deficiency of magnesium or calcium.

The progesterone hormone relaxes the digestive tract, leading to slowed digestion.

The stomach is pushed upwards by the growing uterus, making the gastric acids to enter the esophagus to cause heartburn.

Water retention in the body causes swelling of the hands and feet. Sudden or excessive swelling could be an indication of preeclampsia.

The relaxation of the mucous membranes causes constriction in the nasal membranes that lead to nasal congestion and shortness of breath.

Pressure on the pelvic and rectal nerves due to the growing uterus causes swelling, or hemorrhoids.

The excess blood flow towards the lower part of the body causes pooling of blood in the leg nerves, resulting in a varicose vein.

Increased blood flow to the lower part of the body sometimes deprives the brain of sufficient blood supply, causing dizziness.

The slowed digestion causes the food to stay longer in the digestive tract causing constipation.

Braxton Hicks contractions are irregular and painless contractions that prepare the body for labor.

The leg cramps, increased frequency of urination, and the body aches may disrupt you sleep at night.

The hormonal fluctuations can cause headaches during the week.

With an increased blood flow in the body, you may experience hot flashes.

You may develop the restless leg syndrome (RLS), a tingling sensation in the leg and an urge to move the legs in an uncontrolled manner. It could be caused due to low hemoglobin (<11 g/dl) level, RLS in the previous pregnancy, history of RLS before conception, or low folate (10).

Along with these symptoms, you will experience certain physical and psychological symptoms as well.

Changes In Your Body In The 20th week

Enlarged belly due to the growing uterus, with the navel protruding out

Enlarged breast as the body prepares for milk production

Darker nipples and areola due to pigmentation

Blue or green vein around the breast due to increased blood flow

Hair and nail growth as a result of hormonal fluctuations

Linea nigra, a darker line running from the belly button to the pubic bone

Stretch marks as a result of small tears in the skin

Mood swings due to hormonal changes

Anxiety and fear of health issues, labor, and parenthood

If the symptoms are severe or unusual, go to the doctor immediately.

Your OB/GYN Visit

Here’s what might happen during your doctor’s visit this week.

Weight check

Blood pressure check-up

Urine test

Ultrasound scan: An anomaly scan, which is a detailed scan, will be done this week to track the development of all the organs and growth of the baby. This scan helps to determine any physical problems including spina bifida in the baby (11).

Next, we have a few tips to help you stay healthy and happy during this time.

Tips For Mom-to-be

Drink plenty of water.

Avoid fatty and deep-fried foods that worsen heartburn. Add fiber to your diet to reduce constipation.

Eat smaller meals at regular intervals.

Try to maintain the right posture to prevent a backache. Use comfy cushions or pillows while sitting or sleeping.

Try and find a sleeping position that lets you sleep comfortably.

Adopt a healthy lifestyle. Eat home-cooked food and add whole grain bread, cereals, milk, cheese, egg, and nuts to your diet.

Avoid smoking, drinking alcohol, and taking illicit drugs.

Engage in physical exercises like walking.

Try not to stress about little things.

Get enough rest.

Avoid taking any medication without your doctor’s advice.

Wear loose and breathable clothes.

Get regular dental check-up done.

Take prenatal vitamins including calcium, folic acid, and iron.

Sleep with your head elevated to get relief from nasal congestion.

Spend time with friends and family members.

Search for childbirth classes in your area.

Do not miss any doctor appointments.

Read pregnancy books.

Engage yourself in activities that keep you happy.

Spend time with your partner and seek his support to make this period less stressful.

Tips For Dad-to-be

Here’s how the dad-to-be can participate in the pregnancy:

Help you with household activities.

Be with you during prenatal visits.

Create a pleasant environment at home.

Plan an outing and maternal shopping.

Give you a good neck and foot massage.
