Distance indeed makes the heart grow fonder. Distance does not matter when you are connected by the heart. Some interesting long-distance date ideas can help keep the spark alive despite being away from each other. Regular phone calls, video calls, and e-mails may get a little monotonous as time passes. You may want to try out something new and innovative. Some people find long-distance dating ideas absurd and impractical, but it is a great way to have fun with your partner. Read this post as we bring some interesting and novel long-distance date ideas.

30 Long Distance Date Ideas For Couples

1. Have a house party

A virtual house party can be hosted on a video call. Play games such as heads up, quick draw, trivia, and chips, and guac to keep you both engaged, laughing, and enjoying for hours. You may invite friends to join in to have a group party with fun activities. You may also use several dedicated long-distance couple apps to have a fun time with your beloved.

2. Watch a live music performance together

Had a tiring day? Good music will refresh and rejoice you by setting the mood right. Attend an online live music performance together and let your hearts dance to the beats. Musicians have been are taking their performances on to social media and streaming platforms to play live for their fans. You may make use of them to have your moments.

3. Go on a walk

Have a walk in the park while on a call with your love,to stay connected and healthy. Challenge your partner to complete their daily step counts while talking to you. The change in scenery will enhance your mood and provide you with different topics to talk about. Stop occasionally to take a picture to send them, or just video call them to show around your neighborhood.

4. Arrange a virtual dinner date

Show your love for your partner by ordering their favorite food and wine delivered at their door step. Face time or video call them to have a dinner date together. For adding a sense of being together at the same place, you can eat the same food items while on a virtual date. Don’t forget to get dressed up and groomed as you would have done when going out in person with your partner. Enhance the mood by playing good music in the background and dimming the lights of your room.But make sure there is enough light on your face to look bright on the video call.

5. Go on virtual tours

You can get the feel of being at a different chosen place with your loved one from the comfort of your house. It will help you both save money for your other plans. To make it a bit real, set your rooms according to the weather at the destination.For example:

Decrease your room temperature to feel the cold weather of the snow-clad mountains. Soak in your bathtub to feel the water at a beach. Light scented candles with flavors like tea tree oil or brewed coffee scent to get the feel of a tea or a coffee plantation.

6. Host a book club for two

If you both love books, then select some books to read, discuss and talk about on a date night. Starting a book club will give you many topics to talk about and allow you to be on the same page literally. This will encourage you to finish the book, gain new perspectives, understand each other better, discuss your favorite part of the book, and find common interests. You can also try audio books if you don’t want to read. And do not forget to snack together while discussing your book.

7. Play virtual games

A Sunday of shared delights provided by playing together online could be a fun virtual date for the child in you. To add in more glee, you both can team-up against other teams of your couple friends and enjoy the thrill of competition. Choose from various games available online or plan your games, such as bingo, cards, Pictionary, name-place-animal-thing, charades, would-you-rather, and truth-or-dare.

8. Drink up with a wine or beer tasting

Go for wine or beer tasting to a nearby winery or brewery. Discuss the tastes and flavors of each variety you taste. Get dressed and drunk; talk your heart out as you two feel relaxed with a glass of sparkling wine or a chilled beer. If you are doing this at home, light some candles to add up to the mood. You both can also attend a Facebook live tasting session together.

9. Go on a house hunt

Look for a house where you both would love to live in the future. Discuss the pros and cons of staying together under one roof, sharing responsibilities, managing your schedules for each other, and most importantly, planning the budget for maintaining the house. This would be a great way to discover shared preferences and understand each other better. But do not pressurize each other into this decision, as the interest should be mutual.

10. Have a movie night

Enjoying a movie together will bridge the gap between you and your partner. Set time aside and go on a virtual movie date. You can stream in the same film simultaneously and be on a call while watching the movie and chatting about it. Get comfortable in your bed, dim the lights, and watch a romantic film together as you imagine yourself cuddling with your partner.

11. Get flexible with a yoga class

Join an online yoga class together for having virtual dates to stay fit and active. Working out will keep you both motivated to achieve your fitness goals. Challenge each other and set days for competitions; this could be fun and exciting with added benefits of a fit body, mind, and soul. Watch a yoga video on YouTube or use any yoga app for easy access to your virtual yoga class together.

12. Go hiking

This needs a dedicated holiday time for each other. A virtual jungle date with your partner will leave you with an adrenaline rush, fresh air, challenges to accomplish together, exciting activities, and a feeling of doing a team activity. You can make a to-do list like:

Bird watching Reaching to the waterfall Hiking to the top Exploring the wildlife

Pack your hiking bags together and remind each other the important items to take along.

13. Grow a garden

Sow the seeds/ saplings and watch them grow, just like your love for your partner. It will be more fun if you both plant the same variety of plants. Buying seeds, garden soil, and pots, and setting an area for planting and clicking pictures and discussing these details will help your relationship to grow. Take photos of your plant and send them to your partner. Spend a Sunday together doing some pot painting and seed studies.

14. Create a photo album together

Decide on a theme like your anniversary, your firsts, love story, adventures, wedding, favorite places, date nights, or honeymoon. You can create an album on your phone, Google Drive, Dropbox, Power point,Facebook, or any photo collage app.

15. Put on your dancing shoes

Join a virtual dance class together. Dancing will give you an adrenaline rush, and you can enjoy each other’s moves by watching them on screen. A Zumba or aerobic dance class will help you both burn calories together. Try having weekly competitions to stay motivated to learn new dances. You may choose a song or theme and practice couple dance steps by imagining your partner.

16. Cook and eat dinner together

Cooking takes time, which allows you both to interact and strengthen your bond at an intimate level. It will help you better understand each other’s tastes and preferences. The activity will make you associate certain dishes with your romantic virtual cooking date, and you may cook those dishes more often to feel near to your beloved. Add in classic wine or some good cheese and chocolates to feel more romantic.

17. Answer the famous “Questions that Lead to love”

This activity will add an element of suspense and curiosity. It can lead to deep conversations that will make you fall in love all over again and uncover various aspects of your partner. Asking silly questions can make you realize how well you know each other. You can choose questions according to your mood or phase of your relationship. Find the perfect topic for engaging yourself in deep talks, like:

Childhood and growing-up Family and relatives Food choices Life philosophy and beliefs Career and studies College life and friends Travel and trips Parties, celebrations, and functions Romantic and intimate questions

18. Create art together from afar

You can paint or craft together on a video or audio call and enjoy silly mistakes made by each other. Check for each other’s progress. Plan to make some DIY items to send them to each other. You may try jar painting, yarn lamps, tea and coffee cups with a message, and mark keys with nail polish for identification.

19. Write love letters – an old school romance

At times, writing what we feel is easier than explaining face to face. Love letters emphasize why you love, admire, value your partner, and cherish having them in your life. Love letters are souvenirs of your relationship and written proof of your abundant love. You can spray the letter with your body mist or perfume to make it even more personal.Send the letters by post to each other, and after receiving them, read aloud on the call.

20. Have intimate times with no limitation to the imagination

Flirting is healthy and romance is a must in a relationship. Get intimate with your long-distance partner through sexting, phone sex, video chats, and naughty talks. Recall and recite the sex you had last time when you were together. Talk about your fascination that you want to try the next time you meet. You can also share romantic and naughty videos. Get comfortable expressing your feelings in words to enjoy the intimacy. Plan a surprise visit to have real physical intimacy.

21. Wake up to the sunshine and get sun-kissed

Set alarms, get up early, and wake up your partner to witness the sunrise together. Enjoy the sunrise or sunset while sipping a cup of your favorite beverage.Watching sunrise together will keep you both in a good mood throughout the day. Seeing the beautiful colors of the dawn fills you with joy and gives you new inspiration in life. Click pictures of the beautiful sunrise at your place to send it to your partner.

22. GoPro with excitement

GoPro has an excellent video quality and is a lightweight, small, and handy camera to carry when on a trip. You can live-stream all your fun activities with your partner and take them with you on a virtual tour. Install the GoPro app for live streaming. The cameras are waterproof, so you can go parasailing or snorkeling while live-streaming it to your partner; let them see what you see and enjoy your expressions and excitement.

23. Meet the family

Meeting families means taking your relationship to the next level, where you believe in being forever together in the future. Your partner is serious about you if they introduce you to their parents.Include your friends and families in your virtual dates, as they all are part of your life. Dates with families are a lot more fun and will make you both happier, as you get the support from all the important people in your life.

24. Send gifts

No matter how small or big,gifts are the statement that you care for your partner. Sending gifts as a gesture of love can rekindle life memories. You should have an unboxing gift date on a video call to see the expressions of surprise and joy on your partner’s face. You may order online to have a hassle-free delivery. You can choose a variety of gifts online, depending on the occasion.

25. Learn something together

Learn to say “I love you” in different languages or a new language altogether. Joining an online photography learning session could be a great idea, as you can communicate with photos. Learn to make cocktails for each other or take an online creative writing class together. You both can also learn to play a new instrument or pottery.

26. Plan a trip together

It could be about planning a short weekend trip or vacation for many days together. You can spend time choosing a destination, a place to stay, sightseeing venues, and the means to finance the trip. It will be very special because you will be spending time together after being separated for some time.

27. Check your goals together

It can be discussing your couple’s goals or individual goals or talking about vague dreams. What is important is being on the same page as you plan your future. You can vow to workout together or quit smoking or save for your future house. Your goals might change over time as you evolve, so don’t get stressed out but do plan. Feel free to get carried away in dreams with your beloved. Discussing your goals with each other will keep you both motivated.

28. Go on a coworking date

Miss the time when you guys used to work together? Get yourself a work-from-home day, turn on your webcam, and enjoy the company of your partner as you get productive together. You both can visit a coffee shop and work while sipping the brew and chatting along. This date will give you a glimpse into their work routine. Don’t forget to take a lunch break or a tea break together.

29. Try your partner’s favorite activity

You will feel closer to them as you explore something that they love. This will help you unctronic gadgets close to you in a spa. So, how can you make this work? You can always put their call on the speaker and share your experiences. Talk about the aroma oils being used, how relaxed you are feeling after releasing the pain from your stiff muscle, and how smooth your skin feels. A ’couple spa date’ will enable you to have a shared experience with the most special person in your life. Being far can teach you how to be closer. Long-distance relationships can work well as you put sincere effort into them.derstand their passion and give you a common relatable topic to talk about. Trying new activities will help you learn and grow together and fight the fear of beginning new things. Put them on a video call and let them watch you do their favorite activity.

30. Have a spa date

You cannot keep your ele You reserve a dedicated time for each other, think about them and their preferences, try to make yourself more lovable, and eagerly wait to meet them. All of this will enhance the bond between you.