Food aversion during pregnancy is a common problem. Some pregnant women may not feel like eating anything, or their favorite foods are not delicious anymore. It is normal for pregnant women to feel nauseous from the taste and smell of some foods they loved before. Food aversion is challenging to manage, especially if a pregnant woman does not enjoy eating anything. Like cravings, food aversions can also be linked to a heightened sense of taste and smell in pregnancy. Read on to understand the causes of food aversions in pregnancy, tips to manage it, and how to follow a balanced diet at such times.

When Does Food Aversion Start In Pregnancy?

A study has found that 54% of pregnant women experienced food aversions during early pregnancy (1). The condition could occur at any stage of pregnancy, but it is more likely during early pregnancy or the first trimester. These aversions may go away as the pregnancy progresses or after you deliver (2).

What Causes Food Aversions During Pregnancy?

The exact cause of food aversion in pregnancy is not known, but researchers have a few theories. But what foods could you become averse to? Can you even eat anything? Find out more about it next.

Common Pregnancy Food Aversions

All pregnant women are not repulsive to the same foods. Food aversion depends on several factors and varies accordingly. But in general, most pregnant women tend to be averse to these foods.

Can You Prevent Food Aversions During Pregnancy?

No, there is no way to prevent the condition. However, you can try to control the nausea and get over the aversion. If you understand your body’s requirements and address the changes accordingly, you could probably overcome the aversions. Read on for some simple tips that can help you deal with these aversions.

How To Overcome Food Aversions During Pregnancy?

Food aversions will normalize with time and should not be a cause of concern. Food aversion is a temporary condition and won’t bother you for long.

How Long Does Food Aversions Last In Pregnancy?

Food aversions can appear and disappear at any point during pregnancy, although they are more common during the first three to four months. Food aversions usually disappear after the delivery, but in some cases, they may continue post delivery too.

When Should You Call The Doctor?

When you have aversions to spicy food or fried stuff or something manageable, you need not worry much. However, if you are averse to all the healthy foods and experience cravings for non-edible things such as clay or paper (medically known as pica), then you should talk to your doctor.
