It is not uncommon for parents to have safety-related concerns for their school-going children. Also, with the growing reports of children being subjected to inhuman acts at school, it is paramount to implement effective ways to stop school violence. If you notice any significant changes in your child’s emotional or physical aspects, you must talk to them to ensure they are in safe environments at school. Continue to read this post if you want to understand the types, causes, warning signs, and possible ways to deal with violence in schools.

What Is School Violence?

School violence falls under the broader term of youth violence. It describes the intentional use of physical or mental force on children in a school environment, or by people related to a child’s school. Children can be affected by school violence at nine or ten years.

What Are The Types Of School Violence?

School violence can be in various forms, not all of which are physical. Here is a list of the most common types of school violence:

A physical fight may involve slapping, pushing, punching, kicking, etc. Violence against an individual by a gang. Use of weapons. Bullying – both physical and mental. Verbal abuse. Virtual violence in the form of electronic stalking, online harassment and such.

Data collected for the 2019–20 school year shows 1.4 million incidents of crime with 77% of public schools recording one or more such incidents. This translates to 29 incidents per 1,000 students. However, as the graph shows, only 10 incidents per 1,000 students were reported to sworn law enforcement (1).

Percentage of violence recorded in US public schools

Where Can School Violence Take Place?

School violence does not always refer to violence that takes place on the school campus. While it certainly means violence that happens inside the school, it also means:

Violence that can happen during any school related or school sponsored event.

Violence that takes place while the child is on the way to or from a school related event. Violence that takes place while the child is on the way to or from school.

What Are The Causes Of School Violence?

There are a few common triggers that may lead to violence at school:

Children often mistake power for respect. In trying to command the respect of their peers, they often resort to methods of abuse and violence.

Children imitate what they see as ‘cool’ behavior, often associated with action heroes and on-screen characters. Their young minds do not always perceive the boundaries between real and imaginary. In trying to emulate on-screen heroes, children can resort to violent acts.

Children who have been victims of teasing or ridicule may resort to violence. They feel it gives them power and hides the negativity they faced.

Children also wrongly display violent behavior in order to win the approval of peers and the opposite sex. Witnessing abusive or violent behavior at home, especially between parents or guardians, can also make children turn violent. 

Are There Any Warning Signs?

Sometimes, children who have a violent tendency will show their aggression in other ways. Watch out for these signs which lead to violence in schools:

Cruelty to pet or stray animals. Being interested in playing with weapons of any kind. Especially obsessed with games or movies that involve violence. Bully or threaten other people.

How To Stop School Violence?

Parents and teachers need to collaborate to prevent school violence. Here are a few ways you can help prevent and stop school violence:

1. Praise:

Praise and encourage children for their good behavior.

Make sure to highlight all their achievements and take pride in the same.

Reward children for their achievements and help them set positive goals.

2. Watch Out For Signs:

Always watch out for any sign of violent behavior.

In case of aggressive behavior, find out its cause and offer solutions that can help resolve the conflict.

Speak to a student counselor if the signs of aggression increase.

3. Show Your Love:

Love and attention can treat most issues related to childhood trauma.

Always show your child that you care and trust him.

Be there for your child whenever he needs you.

4. Know The Friends:

Make an effort to know your child’s friends.

Arrange home parties and encourage your child to interact with his friends.

Ask your child about his friends and what he likes or dislikes about them.

5. Extra-Curricular Activities:

Encourage your child to participate in extracurricular activities.

Find out what activities your child likes and take him to hobby classes without fail.

Make sure your child is always busy doing things he enjoys.
