Family reunions are joyous occasions when people meet their immediate and extended families and have fun together. Besides preparing delicious food and setting up beautiful decorations, planning engaging and entertaining games for family reunions is essential. This part can get tricky since you need to pick activities or games that suit people of all age groups. Since chalking out unique activities can be a time-consuming task, we bring you a list of the best family reunion games to ensure your folks have a ball. Besides, they will help you make beautiful, fun memories that each of you will cherish for a long time.

55 Fun Games For Family Reunions

No family reunion is complete without games. Here are a few games that could make your family reunion a memorable one.

Indoor Games

Being indoors does not necessarily translate to screen time or boredom. You can include a variety of indoor games for family reunions so that everyone is entertained.

  1. Telephone Game If you want a game to ease the tension between family members who have just met, you can ask everyone to play the telephone game. It is one of the best icebreaker games for family reunions. You will need:

Lots of participants

How to play:

Divide your players into smaller teams. Let everyone sit in a line. The first player of each team whispers a fact about themselves to the next person in the team. The next person passes on the message to the next person, and it continues. They can even add a fact about themselves to make the game more entertaining. The last player should say the message out loud. The team that gets the initial message right (or partly right) at the end is the winner.

  1. Baby picture Do you know your family as well as you think you do? A family reunion is the best time to test it. Ask your family members to get a baby picture of themselves for this game. You will need:

Baby pictures of family members Marker Bulletin board and pin tacks

How to play:

Label every baby picture with the name of its owner behind it. Write numbers on the bottom of the pictures. Stick the pictures on the bulletin board. The aim of the game is to let the family members guess who the babies are. The player who recognizes most members would be the winner. You can give out prizes for the best smile, least changed, and most changed.

  1. Storytime Elders never get tired of telling stories to children and making them smile. Similarly, children never get tired of listening to those sweet memories. Make the most of your time together and recreate those stories. You will need:

An item that reminds you of something

How to play:

Ask each member to bring something that has a story behind it. It could be a piece of clothing, a letter, or a food item. Let them share the story. You can let the children decide which story was best and reward the person. You can even go further and ask the narrators to enact the story for more fun.

  1. Family bingo Family game is another game that serves as an icebreaker and helps you get to know each other. Everyone enjoys playing family bingo as it adds a personal touch to the favorite game. You will need:

Sheets of paper and pens for all players

How to play:

Make a grid on the paper and write different qualities in each box. For example, you can write, “The first member who went to University,” “The eldest cousin of the family,” “A family member who loves ice cream,” and so on. You can copy them on all the sheets or write different ones on each sheet. Ask the players to fill out the boxes. Assign a time limit. The player who manages to fill the maximum boxes in the given time would be the winner.

  1. Never have I ever “Never have I ever” is a popular and much-loved game to play with a large group of people. Be prepared for a great laughing session as you play this game with your family. You will need:

Candies (ten per person)

How to play:

Distribute the candies amongst the players. Each player should have ten candies. The first player starts by saying, “Never have I ever…” If someone has done that thing, they have to put a candy in the middle. The first person to put all the candies would be the winner. They also get a chance to win all the candies on the table.

  1. Family trivia It is similar to family bingo, but with a quiz involved, so there is much more fun and laughs when playing. You will need:

A sheet of paper and pen

How to play:

Ask each of your family members to write down trivia facts about themselves. Compile a list of questions around these facts. For example, you can form questions such as, “Where did Grandma and Grandpa meet?” or “Who was the only child born in 2009?” Divide your players into teams. The team that answers most of these questions would be the winner.

  1. Charades Charades is one of the classic games you can play at a family reunion. The best part of this game is that players of every age group can compete and have lots of fun together. You will need:

Paper chits Pen

How to play:

Write different categories on the chits of paper. You can choose from movie name, celebrity, book name, animal, or activity. Divide the players into teams. One player should come forward, pick a chit, and act out what’s mentioned on it. The other members of the team have to guess. The team that makes the maximum number of correct guesses would be the winner.

  1. Two truths and a lie The unique game will have you all laughing and bonding within no time. You will need:

Paper Pens

How to play:

Divide the players into teams. Each player has to write two truths and one lie about themselves. The first player of each team takes turns in reading out what they have written. The other team has to guess the lie. The team that gets the correct answer first scores a point. The team with the maximum points wins.

  1. Noodle doodle It is a hilarious game for family reunions, especially if you play it with children. It is a game that doesn’t need much planning and is super fun. You will need:


How to play:

Divide your players into teams. Assign each team a word. The word can be of any length, but the desired length should be three to five letters. The aim of the game is to make the word with the noodles using a fork. You can even set a time limit to make the game more exciting.

  1. Make a story If you want your family to spend an entertaining evening, play this game. It will get everyone’s creative juices flowing, and you will have a wonderful time. You will need:

A sheet of paper and a pen

How to play:

The first player begins by writing a line on the paper before passing it on to the next player. The next player adds a line to it and passes the paper. This way, each player adds a line to the paper, making a story no one can predict. After all the players have finished making an entry, you can read out the story and share great laughs.

  1. Watermelon seed spitting contest It is a game in which you can flaunt your spitting prowess and enjoy. You will need:

Watermelons Knife Chalk

How to play:

Draw three lines on the floor at five, ten, and 15 feet from where the players will sit. Cut the watermelons into wedges and give each player a wedge. Each player must take a bite of their watermelon slice and spit the seeds as far as they can. You can even take the game outdoors and make the players spit the seeds through hula hoops for more fun.

  1. Drawing time Whether you have budding artists in your family or two left thumbs, it is a game that will get everyone in splits. You will need:

A sheet of paper Pencil

How to play:

The first player draws a random shape on the sheet of paper and passes it on. The next player adds another shape to it and continues. When you see the final drawing, you cannot stop your laughter.

  1. Mobiles off It is not easy to stop people from using their phones during meals. You should make it entertaining so that they do not feel the urge to pick up their phones. You will need:

Chits of paper Pen

How to play:

Write different questions on the pieces of paper and place them on each chair before the meal. Some examples for the questions are “Where did you go on your last vacation?” and “What do you remember about your school days?” Everyone has to pick the paper and talk to their neighbors about it. It acts as a great conversation starter and helps people bond. You can shuffle the papers or the seating for the next meal so that everyone gets a new topic next time.

  1. Talent show Did you know that your second cousin can sing like a nightingale? Or your grandmother can swing a hula hoop? Play the game to know everyone’s talent. You will need:

Mic Items that people might need for their talent

How to play:

Each family member should come forward to display their talent. You can even give awards to the best ones.

  1. Family map When your family is geographically distributed over different places, the game helps others appreciate how far they live and how much they have traveled to be with you. It is also helpful to improve geographical knowledge. You will need:

A world map Marker

How to play:

Each member marks the area where they live on the map and give a fact about that place. If several members are from the same place, they can state different facts or ask each other questions.

  1. Family jigsaws A large family calls for a large family photo. You can enlarge an image and customize it into a jigsaw for the reunion. You will need:

Family photo

How to play: There are several ways of playing family jigsaws.

Take prints of several family photos. Get them customized into different jigsaws. Distribute the sets to different teams and ask them to assemble them.

Take a family photo with all your family members. Enlarge it and get it converted into one large jigsaw. Set up the area for the jigsaw game. Give each member a couple of pieces every day during their stay and ask them to put them in the right place on the jigsaw.

  1. Who am I? The game will help your family members get to know each other better even if they have not met for a long time. You will need:

Sticky notes Pen

How to play:

Write down the names of family members on the sticky notes and place them facing downwards. Divide the players into teams. The first player of each team picks a note and sticks it on their forehead without looking at it. They have to ask the other players ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions to figure out the name on the note. The next team continues in the same way. The team that gets the maximum right guesses wins.

  1. Hot potato selfie Here is a game that gives a modern twist to the traditional passing of the parcel. Get teenagers and younger children involved in this game for loads of fun and giggles. You will need:

A mobile phone with a selfie camera

How to play:

Open the camera app and set the timer. Keep passing the camera quickly. If the timer ends and the camera clicks a player’s selfie, the player must do something the other players say.

  1. Frozen t-shirt game If you wish to have great fun, this game can be a hit. You will need:

T-shirt for every player Waxed paper Baking sheet Freezer Water

How to play:

Dip t-shirts in water and wring and fold them. Place a waxed sheet between the t-shirts, put them in the baking sheet, and freeze. Distribute them among the players just before the game starts. The first player to get into their frozen t-shirt would be the winner.

  1. Family tree If your family is artistic, they would love to make a beautiful family tree to show their lineage to the younger members. You will need:

Cardstock Paint

How to play:

Draw an elaborate family tree on the cardstock. Ask each member to dip their thumb in paint and make a thumbprint to mark their place in the family tree. It would be a beautiful and creative art to teach the younger generation about their You can also make small ones and gift everyone to remember the reunion.

  1. Award night Your family deserves to be recognized for being awesome. Create an awards night to commemorate your special family. You will need:

Cardstock Marker Scissors

How to play:

Cut the cardstock into smaller rectangles like the ones used in award shows. Write down a category on each of the cards. For instance, “Best smile” and “Youngest/oldest member of the family.” You can ask your family members to vote. Hand out “awards” and make everyone feel special.

  1. Burn a CD Every generation has its favorite playlist. Why not ask everyone to share their playlist with others during the family reunion? You will need:

CDs (USB sticks will also do) A list of songs from each family member

How to play:

Ask each family member to name five of their favorite songs of all time. Make a list according to the time they were released. Divide your family members into Ask them to burn the CDs (or copy them in the USB drive) with songs from each generation. Play the songs for everyone. The team that makes the best songs CD wins. Everyone gets a copy of the CD as a keepsake. You can also sing songs live and record them for a better experience.

  1. Ball game Though the name is quite common, it is a different ball game suitable for a family reunion. You will need:

Inflatable rubber ball Marker

How to play:

Write a bunch of questions on the ball. Throw the ball to different players. The player who catches the ball has to answer the question in front of them. The game is an excellent way to get to know the members of your family. You can also add a timer or different ways of catching the ball to make the game more interesting.

  1. Family recipe book Every family has its secret recipes that have been passed down through generations. Then, they also have new recipes that the younger generation has tried. Bring all these together in a book at a family reunion. You will need:

A slam book Recipes Pictures

How to play:

Ask each member to write a recipe in the slam book and attach its picture. They can also give some trivia about where they came across this recipe or how many times they had to try to get it right. They can also include notes about deviations from the original recipe they had to make to perfect it. They should write the recipes in random pages before passing on the book to the next member. Once done, divide the members into Let each team take turns in guessing who provided the recipe. You can photocopy the book and give a copy to each member as a memento of the reunion. The winning team gets the original copy.

  1. Hot lava Children love lava games. If you are a parent, you already know how entertaining it is. It is a great game for family reunions, regardless of the age of the participants. You will need:

Furniture Chalk

How to play:

Mark one end of the room as the starting point and the other end as the endpoint. Place furniture strategically in the room. The aim of the game is to reach the endpoint from the start point without stepping on the floor.

  1. Cookie eaters If there is one game that would guarantee a laugh the moment it begins, it is this one. The best part of this game is that it can be played any time with the cookies you have at home. You will need:

Cookies Timer

How to play:

Each player places a cookie on their forehead. The aim of the game is to eat the cookie without touching it. Set the timer to one or three minutes to make the game more entertaining.

  1. Dancing game It is another superb game for family reunions that guarantees to keep them moving, irrespective of their age. You will need:

A device to play music

How to play:

Select a player. They will be the spy. Send them out of the room. Select another player. They will be the master dancer. Everyone has to follow their steps. Start the music. The spy has to take a look at the dancers and guess who the master dancer is. They get three chances. If they guess the master dancer right, the master dancer becomes the spy for the next round. If not, they continue being the spy for the next round too.

  1. Hide and seek Hide and seek is a classic game for family reunions, especially during campfires. You will need:

Loads of hiding places

How to play:

Select a player. They will be the seeker. The other players must hide while the seeker’s eyes are closed. The seeker must find the other players. You can tweak the rules of the game for more fun.

  1. Ice cream eating contest It is the perfect game for summer reunions. Get loads of ice cream and different toppings and let your family compete against each other. You will need:

Ice cream and toppings

How to play:

Let everyone make ice cream sundaes of their choice. The only rule should be about the size of the sundae. When the game starts, the contestants have to wolf down their sundaes as fast as possible before it melts. The first one to finish their sundae is the winner.

  1. Chipmunks Turn your family members into chipmunks with this hilarious game for family reunions. You will need:

Bowls of bite-sized food, such as grapes, gummy bears, or M&Ms.

How to play:

Each player takes turns in stuffing the food in their cheeks. No swallowing allowed. Count each piece as the player puts it inside their mouth. The player who can hold the maximum number of pieces would be the winner. Ensure you do not involve children below eight years for this game.

Outdoor Games

If the weather is good, why not take your family members for a jolly time outside? These outdoor games for family reunions are fun and simple, and all your family members can participate. 31. Leapfrog Recall your childhood by playing this classic outdoor game. It is perfect when most of the members are on the younger side and fit. You will need:


How to play:

Divide the players into Make each team stand in rows. Mark a finishing line with chalk some distance away. The first player in each row sits in a crouching position with hands and knees on the ground. The player behind them jumps over them and crouches. The next player jumps over both of them and comes to the crouching position. When the last player jumps, the first player has to jump over all the players and get to the crouching position again. The game continues until a team reaches the finishing line. The first team to do so would be the winner.

  1. Line up The game calls for teamwork and listening to the leader. Family members of all age groups can participate in this fun game and enjoy themselves. You will need:

A list of commands

How to play:

Select a player from the lot. This player will be the caller. The other players have to line up facing the caller. The caller will shout out a set of commands the players need to carry out. The commands can be as simple as “Stand,” “Sit,” “Touch your head,” or complex, such as “Line up according to your age,” “Line up according to the number of teeth you have.” There will be giggles and falling over in no time as your family members mishear the commands and act haphazardly.

  1. Potato sack race It is a popular game for school children, but you all can have fun with your family. Try out the potato sack race for a memorable afternoon. You will need:

Potato sacks (made of burlap) or even pillowcases will do Chalk

How to play:

Mark a start and end line on the ground. The lines should be at least 15 feet apart. Make the players stand at the start line. Each player must put their legs in a sack and hold it up by their waist. When the race begins, everyone has to hop across the track in their sacks without falling down. The first person to reach the finish line would be the winner.

  1. Lemon and spoon It is another classic game for people of all ages. Lemon and spoon is something you would be quite familiar with from your school days. You can include everyone in the game and make it more fun. You will need:

Lemons Plastic spoons Chalk

How to play:

Mark a start and finish line with the chalk. Each player has to stand at the start line and hold the spoon in their mouth. Place the lemon on the other end of the spoon. When the race begins, the players walk along the track to the finish line. The lemon should not fall during the race. If it falls, the player is disqualified, or you can ask them to start over. No player should use their hands to hold the lemon. The first person to reach the finish line would be the winner.

  1. Egg race If you enjoyed the last game, lemon and spoon, you will have a blast with this one. The game is a favorite at family reunions. You will need:

Eggs Plastic spoons

How to play:

Let each player choose a partner. Each of them has to face each other and stand about 30 feet apart. Both players have to hold a spoon in their The first player puts an egg on their spoon and starts walking towards their partner. Once they reach there, they must transfer the egg to the partner’s spoon. The partner has to now walk back to the other side. The first team that completes this task would win. No player should use their hands. If their egg falls, they are either out of the game or have to start over.

  1. Water balloons It is a perfect game for family reunions in the summers. You will be surprised by the interest everyone shows in throwing water balloons on others. You will need:

Balloons Water

How to play:

Fill the balloons with water. Pair the players and make them stand facing each other. Start with a two-foot Each player must toss a balloon and then take a step back. The aim of the game is to see which team tosses a water balloon farthest without bursting it. Don’t be disappointed if the players start lobbing the balloons on each other instead.

  1. Bobbing donuts The game would be a hilarious addition to your family reunion. Make sure you have your cameras ready to capture the fun. You will need:

Donuts String

How to play:

Tie a string between two trees or poles. Tie donuts and hang them on the string at regular intervals. Make each participant stand in front of a donut with their hands tied behind them. Each player has to eat the donut without using their hands.

  1. Hula hoop competition Whether you are a pro at swinging a hula hoop or you have never tried it before, the game is sure to bring forth a lot of laughs. You will need:

Hula hoops

How to play:

Make each player try their luck with the hula hoop. The person who manages to swing it the longest would win. You could also make teams and ask them to compete against one another.

  1. Pinata fun Every big gathering needs a pinata. Though pinatas are traditionally used at birthday parties, they can be used for a family reunion too. You will need:

A pinata with the stuffing of your choice—candies, small toys, and small items useful for homes. A stick Cloth for blindfolding

How to play:

Hang the pinata to a branch of a tree or a horizontal pole. Blindfold a player and spin them around so that they do not know which direction they are facing. You could let the eldest member start first. Give them a stick. Let them guess the direction of the pinata from the onlookers’ shouts and move around to hit it. You can give a time limit or specify the number of hits to make the game more interesting.

  1. Paper airplane competition Children love making paper airplanes. And if it is for a competition, they will be more eager. You could pull in adults for more enjoyment too. You will need:

Construction paper or newspaper Glue (optional)

How to play:

Ask every player to make a paper plane. They can work alone, in a team, or take the help of an adult. When the time is up, line them up to fly their airplanes. The one that flies farthest wins.

  1. Lawn bowling You don’t have to go to a bowling alley anymore. You can create a bowling alley on your lawn itself. You will need:

Empty plastic bottles Water Food colors Glitter Large ball Chalk

How to play:

Fill the plastic bottles with water. Add food color and glitter to it. Place them like pins Draw a line with the chalk. Each player can throw the ball to see how many bottles they can toss. Tally the final scores in the end.

  1. Ring toss Create your ring toss stall for your family reunion. It is easy to make, fun to play, and would be memorable. You will need:

Empty plastic bottles Paint Three-inch embroidery hoop Embroidery thread or wool Crate

How to play:

Remove the labels of the plastic bottles and paint them. After they dry, place them in the crate. Take the embroidery hoop’s inner loop and tightly wrap wool or thread around it so that no part of the ring is visible. Throw the hoops around the bottles. The person who hoops the maximum bottles in three shots wins. Instead of bottles, you could place small objects such as keyrings or toys in the crate.

  1. Ping pong toss Similar to ring toss and equally fun, ping pong toss game can be played by family members of all ages. As it is pretty simple and easy to play, watch the older members of your family enjoying it along with the younger ones. You will need:

Bowls Sticky notes Marker Ping pong balls

How to play:

Stick the sticky notes on the bowls and give them different numbers. These numbers are points. Place the bowls at different places over the lawn. Each player gets five balls. They have to throw each ball in the bowls. The number on the bowl in which a ball lands is the score.

  1. Balloon pop It is a boisterous game that will get your family members out of boredom in a snap. However, participants could get energetic, so it is better to make the rules. You will need:

Balloons Strings

How to play:

Inflate the balloons and tie them around the ankles of all players. Walk around and burst the balloons of other players by stomping on them. Don’t use hands or other items for bursting. The player who bursts the maximum number of balloons or the last person with a balloon on their leg wins.

  1. Scavenger hunt A scavenger hunt is an evergreen game that can be enjoyed at a reunion. It is so much fun to play that you will not realize time flying. You will need:

A list of random objects you need the players to find

How to play:

Divide the players into teams according to their ages. Make sure you pair children with at least one adult. Distribute the list among the teams. The list can have, “Find a green leaf with jagged edges,” or “Ask a stranger on the road to sing a song for you.” You can make the list as simple or complicated as you like. The team that finishes the tasks first and returns to the base would be the winner. Make sure each team carries a camera to record their findings.

  1. Trust or fall Do you think you can trust your family with closed eyes? The game would give you loads of fun plus an edge of tension. You will need:

A chair

How to play:

Place the chair on your lawn. Select a grassy area so that no one gets hurt. All the players stand in a queue behind the chair. The first player climbs up the chair, closes their eyes, and falls backward onto the next player. The next player needs to catch them before they fall. The next player then gets on the chair, and the game continues.

  1. Tug of war Who doesn’t love playing this game? We have all played it in school and other gatherings and had a lot of fun. You will need:

Thick rope Whistle A small flag

How to play:

Place the flag on the ground to denote the center. Divide your players into two groups, each holding one end of the rope. When the whistle is blown, they have to pull the rope in opposite directions. When a team manages to pull the other team over the marker towards themselves, they win.

  1. Dizzy bat race It is a race with an awesome twist. Get your cameras ready if you don’t want to miss the fun. You will need:

Baseball bats Chalk

How to play:

Mark a start and finish line. Make three players stand at the start line. Place three baseball bats some distance away on the track. When the race starts, each player has to grab a bat, stand on the ground, hold their forehead to the handle, and spin thrice. Then they have to straighten up and run towards the finish line. It sounds easy, but the actual effect would be hilarious.

  1. Wheelbarrow race You must have played the wheelbarrow race sometime in your life by sitting inside a wheelbarrow and being carted along the track. You can have a twist this time! You will need:


How to play:

Mark the tracks–start and finish lines. Get each player to choose a trustworthy partner. The first player would be the wheelbarrow. The second player has to hold the first player’s legs. The first player should use their hands to race along the track to reach the finish line.

  1. Skip rope contest Just like the hula hoop contest, the game can produce endless hours of fun. You get to check your fitness levels on the way as well. You will need:

Jump ropes

How to play:

Hand over a jump rope to each player and let them begin. The one who jumps the longest wins.

  1. Balloon knees race If you thought balloon pop was funny, wait until you play this hilarious game. Watching everyone waddling along will provide endless laughs for a long time. You will need:

Balloons Chalk

How to play:

Mark start and finish lines for the race. Inflate the balloons and let the participants hold them between their legs. The players have to race to the end without dropping or popping the balloon.

  1. Three-legged race It is another classic game most appropriate for family reunions. The more the number of enthusiastic players, the funnier the game. You will need:


How to play:

Divide your players into teams of two. Make them stand side-by-side and tie their adjacent legs together. The players have to walk and get to the finish line. If you dare, you can hold a five-legged race as well.

  1. Football Football is a much-loved sport and for good reasons. It is one of the best games to teach teamwork and develop camaraderie between your family members. You will need:

Football Curtains

How to play:

Hang the curtains at the opposite ends of the lawn to serve as goalposts. Follow all the rules of football except tackling other players. Divide the players into teams and get going.

  1. Volleyball If your family reunion is at a beach, you must include volleyball in your games list. Enjoy the sunset while you throw the ball across. You will need:

A volleyball or a beach ball Volleyball net

How to play:

Set up the volleyball net in an out-of-the-way place where you will not be disturbed by passers-by. Divide the players into two teams and start playing. You can go as casual as you like.

  1. Badminton If you have a budding tennis or badminton player in your family, this game get even better. Even if there is not, badminton can be enjoyed at family reunions. You will need:

Badminton net (you can use a volleyball net too) Rackets Birdies

How to play:

Set up a net on your lawn. Make teams of two, grab a racket each, some birdies, and start hitting the birdie back and forth over the net. The scoring follows the regular badminton scoring system. The first team to score 21 points would win.