Do not think twice if you wish to organize scavenger hunt riddles for kids. These riddles are not just engaging but also motivate children to use their communication skills and be team players. Scavenger hunt riddles also help children solve problems independently or as a part of the team. So, what is a scavenger hunt riddle? A scavenger hunt is all about hiding some objects and their clues at various secret spots and creating riddles to find them. Coming up with a good riddle that involves children using their wit may be tricky. A perfect riddle needs good planning and should not be too easy or difficult. It should keep the child interested. This post lists some of the best scavenger hunt riddles for children to ensure they have a great time.

60 Scavenger Hunt Riddles For Kids

We have included riddles for both indoor and outdoor scavenger hunts so that you are covered for all occasions.

Indoor Scavenger Hunt Riddles

These riddles are for those times when your children cannot step outside to play, such as when raining. They also make them move their bodies so that some of their energy is expended while being indoors.

  1. You’ll find me in the kitchen, You cannot eat me, But Scotty, the dog, loves to greet me. Ans: Dog food
  2. When you are tired, you use me. I have four legs but no feet. Ans: A chair
  3. I don’t go out, and I don’t play, I stay at home quietly all day. And when you come home covered with mud, I clean you first, without uttering a word. Ans: A doormat
  4. I have a neck but no head, I wear a pretty cap instead. Ans: A bottle
  5. You might take me in the morning, evening, or night, But I remain here day in day out. Try to “take” me as you might. Ans: A shower
  6. I have a ring but no finger, When I shout, my voice does linger. Ans: A telephone/ a cell phone
  7. I start with an “e,” and I end with an “e” But I contain only one letter. Ans: An envelope
  8. You will find words in me Between my pages, you will discover The meaning of the words. Ans: The dictionary
  9. I need a pick to make a sound, I have six ears and a big belly. Ans: A guitar
  10. I have eyes, but I cannot see. I am friendly with everyone, and children love me. Ans: Potato
  11. My keys make a sound. Ans: Piano
  12. I am a rainbow in a box. Ans: A box of crayons
  13. You buy me for eating, but you cannot eat me. Ans: A plate
  14. I am black and white, and I give you news every morning. Ans: Newspaper
  15. I grow shorter as I get older. Ans: A candle
  16. Soft and plump, I am there at your head, If you don’t like me there, you can hug me instead. Ans: Pillow
  17. I am brown I give adults their energy in the morning. Ans: Coffee
  18. Every day, you step on me, All I require is the bend of the knee. Ans: Staircase
  19. Round and round I go like a wheel, Open me up to find your clothes clean. Ans: Washing machine
  20. I warm your food, and I make popcorn. Don’t put your hand in me; I can give you quite a burn. Ans: Microwave
  21. I have no mouth and no nose But I do have a face I have two hands and sometimes three But no legs and no toes. Ans: Clock
  22. When you buy me, I am black. When you use me, I am red. When you throw me away, I am gray. Ans: Charcoal
  23. When I am off, I am boring. When I am on, I have a hundred colors within me. What am I? Ans: Television
  24. You use me between your head and your toes The more I work, the thinner I grow. Ans: Soap
  25. I stand quietly against the wall, You hardly notice me though I am tall. My stomach contains all your treats, Candies, jellies, and juice. Ans: Refrigerator
  26. When the sun goes down, I wake up I can’t compete with the sun, but I am enough on my own Rub me, and a genie might appear. Ans: Lamp
  27. I have four legs, I might be short or tall, Put your food on me; they will not fall. Ans: Table
  28. Every day, you come home tired, I welcome you on my chest, I caress you and comfort your I know your inner thoughts best. Ans: Bed
  29. You use me when you have had too much to eat Don’t worry, I’ll clean up Just take a seat. Ans: Toilet
  30. I am bigger than a phone but smaller than a TV I work quite well and entertain you. Ans: Laptop

Outdoor Scavenger Hunt Riddles

Outdoor scavenger hunts are a must during a picnic or a family get-together. Let the children figure out the riddles and see them run around happily in the open air. 31. I get bigger when I eat and weaker when I drink. Ans: Fire 32. I am the invention that allows you to look through walls. Ans: Window 33. I make the air fresh, and I am strong, But people don’t understand Tell them they are wrong. Ans: Tree 34. I stand in a corner I am the star of the show, Hop on, use your legs, and watch me go. Ans: Bike 35. I protect you from the cold, rain, and wind, Put me on and become thick-skinned. Ans: Jacket 36. You need me in every home I am sturdy and strong, I am made of wood and metal Sometimes, I have a gong. Ans: Door 37. Here I come, and there I go. I take you safely to your place, I have a body but no face. Ans: Car 38. Switch me on, and darkness will be gone. I fit in your hand and switch on and off on your command. Ans: Flashlight 39. You can find me on a hook If you know where exactly to look. Ans: Keys 40. I never ask questions But I am always answered. Ans: Doorbell 41. I tell only the truth and never any falsehood, Stand before me and see yourself as you should. Ans: Mirror 42. Within me, I have an age-old stench, Which sometimes makes my stomach clench. The dirtiest are in me; that’s what I do, Old and worn and sometimes new. Ans: Shoe closet 43. Nice and fat is how you love me, Lose track of me, and I will lose all that’s inside me. Ans: Wallet 44. I cannot be seen I can be low or high I travel through walls and screens If you lose me, you’ll let out a big sigh. Ans: Wi-Fi 45. What repeats your words but is not an echo? Ans: A parrot 46. Open me and look what I hide, I have your favorite things inside. Ans: Freezer 47. Open me in the morning, close me at night, I will keep your secrets out of sight. Ans: Curtains 48. Sometimes I bring good news Sometimes I am filled with junk, Open me carefully and shut me with a clunk. Ans: Mailbox 49. I hold your dirt, I am not neat, You will often find me on the street. Ans: Garbage can 50. Tall and short We come in all colors, Without us, the world would be dull Ans: Flower 51. Sometimes we are above, Sometimes we are down, We are of many colors and form a splendid crown. Ans: Leaves 52. Stretch me far or roll me up, Use me well to wash your pup. Ans: Garden hose 53. Round and big, Grey or black, Fill me up, I will take you to places. Ans: Tire 54. Hot dogs and hamburgers galore, Put chicken on me for something more. Ans: Grill 55. Here is a small house that looks quite cool Clean it up after you return from school. Ans: Doghouse 56. Back and forth I take you, Higher and higher you fly. Ans: Swing 57. Black and white or red and blue, When the wind blows, I wave to you. Ans: Flag 58. I light up when you want to go, Two eyes I make and shine bright and low. Ans: Headlights 59. I can be flat, thin, or round, I come in many colors, Just pick me up from the ground. Ans: Rock 60. I eat grass for breakfast But my stomach is filled with gas. Ans: Lawnmower