Guava (Psidium guajava) is a tropical fruit people consume worldwide for its medicinal properties. The health benefits of guava for babies are numerous, and it contains several nutrients and bioactive compounds that promote long-term health. Different parts of the guava plant possess antimicrobial and possibly anticancer properties (1). However, knowing the right age and age-appropriate ways to feed guava to your baby is important. Keep reading to learn more about whether it is safe for babies to consume guava, its nutritional value, possible health benefits, and side effects. It also provides some easy guava recipes you can make for your baby.

Is Guava Safe For Babies?

Yes, guava is safe for infants. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration refers to guava as Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) for consumption (2). However, give it in moderation. Also, make it a part of a balanced diet instead of giving it as a standalone food. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends starting weaning foods once your baby displays signs of readiness. Feed a variety of weaning foods with continued breastfeeding at least until the baby turns a year old (3).

At What Age Can Babies Start Eating Guava?

Babies can have guava by the age of six months. This is a safe age as the baby starts eating other complementary foods such as rice and potato. However, as you introduce guava to your baby, start with guava puree and then transit to soft, cooked guava. You might also like to try mashed (peeled and deseeded) guava. Do not give guava juice to your baby as babies younger than one year are not recommended juices (4).

Nutritional Value Of Guava

The flesh of guava ranges from pink, white, yellow to red. It is rich in essential micronutrients such as vitamins A ,B ,E and C, folic acid, phytochemicals, aminoacids, dietary fiber, minerals like magnesium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, potassium, and copper (1). Besides, it is also known to have certain bioactive compounds, which have health-promoting effects. Below is the nutritional composition of one raw guava (55g) with recommended dietary values for each nutrient (5) (6). Sources: U.S. Department of Agriculture and World Health Organization

Health Benefits Of Guava For Babies

Moderate yet regular consumption of guava allows the baby to reap the following health benefits from the fruit. Regular consumption of guava can be beneficial, but one should be aware of its potential side effects as well.

Side Effects Of Guava For Babies

The use of guava leaf extract or guava supplements for babies is not considered safe. Pediatric consultation and approval is a must for using these products. However, for guava fruit, no adverse effects or risks are documented except guava allergy. Guava allergy is uncommon yet possible (18). Therefore, practice caution while feeding guava to your baby, especially if they have any existing allergies. However, avoid feeding guava at bedtime as it increases energy levels and may cause disturbed sleep .

Precautions To Take While Feeding Guava To Babies

Consider the following points when feeding guava to your baby. In the next section, we suggest some tasty guava recipes for your baby.

Guava Recipes For Babies

Prepare various recipes with guava depending on the age of the baby. Below are some recipes that you might like to try.

1. Mixed guava puree

This is an ideal recipe for babies between the ages of six to eight months. The puree is highly nutritious with abundant vitamin C and other valuable nutrients. You will need:

1 guava (mashed) 1 kiwi (chopped)

How to:

2. Oats guava porridge

You can serve this preparation as breakfast. It will provide umpteen soluble fiber from oats and valuable micronutrients from guava to support your baby’s needs well. You will need:

1 cup oats 5 cups water 1 cup milk 1 guava, ground to a paste Jaggery powder, to taste 1tbsp dry fruit powder (optional)

How to:
