Excessive physical activity or lack of sleep can cause fatigue in children. However, overly tired kids who do not seem to recover with rest could have underlying health conditions. Children are naturally energetic and eager to try new things and explore the world. Therefore, if they constantly remain tired and dull or lack enthusiasm, it could indicate chronic fatigue syndrome. This post will help you understand the various causes, risks, complications, and treatment options for fatigue in children.

Symptoms Of Fatigue In Children

It can be challenging to identify chronic fatigue symptoms in children as most of them may seem subtle before they become intense and may differ from those that usually show up in adults. Here are a few common signs of fatigue in children (1) (2). If you notice any of these symptoms in your child, it is important to know the cause. Although external factors trigger fatigue in most cases, sometimes, it can be due to a medical condition. Either way, it is important to get to the root of the cause. Read the next section to know about some of the possible causes of fatigue in children.

Causes Of Fatigue In Children

Here are some of the possible causes of chronic fatigue in children.

1. Overstimulation

This is the most common reason for fatigue in children. If your child has indulged in excess physical activity, they might appear tired and fatigued for a few days. Sometimes, a stressful and long day at school may also cause fatigue in children. This is common and may resolve on its own. Fatigue due to overstimulation is often characterized by fuzziness, clumsiness, lethargy, sleepiness, and irritation.

2. Dehydration

About 60% of the body is made up of water, and it is one of the important components required for the smooth functioning of the body. Water is also the major constituent of every cell and helps transport oxygen, nutrients, and waste products. Our body loses water when we breathe, sweat, and urinate. Chronic dehydration can cause fatigue and dizziness in children. If your child complains about headaches, tiredness, and light-headedness, it could be due to dehydration (3).

3. Malnutrition

Deficiency in nutrients such as iron, B12, and vitamins may also result in fatigue in children. The leading causes of malnutrition are poor diet, drug modalities, infections, etc. Besides fatigue, the other symptoms of malnutrition include weight loss, lethargy, loss of appetite, loss of hair, pale skin, and brittle nails. It is important to identify the signs early on as malnutrition in children can cause severe consequences in the long-term (4).

4. Sleep disorders

Fatigue in children can also be caused by stress, airway restrictions, medications, and other medical conditions associated with sleep disorders such as juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, obstructive sleep apnea, insomnia, restless leg syndrome, and anemia. Poor sleep can result in fatigue, daytime drowsiness, absenteeism, and poor academic performance. If your child feels constant fatigue, check if it is due to lack of sleep (5).

5. Infectious mononucleosis (IM)

Fatigue is one of the main symptoms of infectious mononucleosis, which is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). It belongs to the herpes family and is transmitted through saliva. IM often puts children at the risk of developing chronic fatigue syndrome and physical and cognitive problems (6).

6. Congenital heart diseases

Children born with heart issues may exhibit chronic fatigue. One of the rare heart conditions seen in children is pediatric cardiomyopathy, which can lead to a weakened ability of the heart to pump blood, fatigue, heart block, and irregular heartbeats, shortness of breath, chest pain, swelling of legs, and episodes of fainting (7).

7. Depression

Depression in children and adolescents is often overlooked and taken for typical teenager or child behavior. However, children are susceptible to depression just like adults. If the symptoms are left untreated, they might result in long-term consequences. Some common signs of depression include loss of interest, extreme fatigue, social withdrawal, concentration difficulties, loss of appetite, and sleep disorders (8).

Risks And Complications Of Fatigue In Children

Children with symptoms of allergies, malnutrition, or underlying medical issues are at a higher risk of developing fatigue. Fatigue causes not just physical problems but also mental and behavioral problems in children. The following are some of the complications of fatigue.

Decline in working memory

Impaired judgment

Increased susceptibility to infections

Slower growth

Deficiency in cognitive and problem-solving skills

Diagnosis Of Fatigue In Children

The doctor might do a physical examination to determine nutrition deficiency or anemia. They may also ask you questions about your child’s medical history, medications taken, and allergies. If needed, blood and urine tests might be prescribed.

Treatment For Fatigue In Children

Fatigue in children can be treated once the underlying cause is addressed. Here are some common treatment options for fatigue in children. Make sure your child stays hydrated throughout the day. Keep track of their water consumption and remind them to have water. You may also give them fruit juices to keep them hydrated. Increase the quantity on days when your child takes part in sports or strenuous activities.
