Abandonment issues are created out of chaos and heartbreak. When you spend a long time with someone and share your deepest truth with them, and they leave you one day to move on, it leaves you confused, scared, and angry. You may never feel like trusting another person because you think every person you come across would abandon you. In this post, let us dig into the signs of abandonment issues and understand how to deal with them.

What Are Abandonment Issues?

Abandonment issues stem from your life experiences when you felt alone and could not rely on your loved ones to support you or take care of you. Abandonment leads to major trust issues and commitment phobia or clinginess, depending on other factors (1). Abandonment can be either physical or emotional. Physical abandonment occurs if you went through physical neglect, lack of supervision, inadequate provision, or sexual/physical abuse. Emotional abandonment is when you felt neglected emotionally, or you had to hide your feelings to feel accepted. To know the fear of abandonment better, it is essential to understand why it develops.

Why Do Abandonment Issues Arise?

Abandonment kicks in due to several reasons. Attachment styles begin to develop during childhood. Your attachment style is a high indication that determines if you have abandonment issues in your adulthood. Here are a few primary reasons why it can stem in some people. Abandonment, either physical or emotional, leads to a plethora of negative emotions that develop over time, resulting in severe psychological issues. Next, we tell you about the significant signs of abandonment.

Signs You Have Abandonment Issues

Some signs might be evident while some might be too subtle to notice. The following are the major recognizable signs of abandonment issues. Note that these need not necessarily indicate abandonment issues but surely raise a red flag in your relationship (1). That hastiness might be because you feel that your current relationship is all that you have and you are afraid of losing the person if you don’t act fast. This prevents you from assessing the actual state of affairs and whether or not you are genuinely compatible with the person. Sabotaging the relationship is a natural defense mechanism to avoid getting hurt in the future. You tend to push your partner away and are reluctant to reciprocate their love. It is tough to break out of this pattern as you often do it unconsciously. If you recognize seven or more of the signs mentioned in your behavior, you probably have abandonment fears. You should take time to reflect and come up with an action plan to reduce or eliminate them because they can lead to more severe behavioral problems.

Implication Of Abandonment Issues

Abandonment brings a slew of secondary problems. They may differ from case to case but here we share the significant ones (4). Many adverse effects of abandonment issues can be arrested or reversed if action is taken before it is too late.

How To Overcome Abandonment Issues?

Dealing with abandonment isn’t easy. However, where there’s a will, there is a way! Continue reading to understand how you can overcome abandonment issues.
