Calamari or squid is a good source of essential fatty acids. But, can pregnant women eat calamari? Read this post to clarify your doubts. It is natural for you to try your best to do everything right to provide the best for your growing baby. So, you do not step back from giving up eating things that you love. Also, you may even try something against your liking to fulfill the target of a balanced, wholesome diet. Read on to learn if you can add calamari to your pregnancy diet.

Is It Safe To Eat Calamari During Pregnancy?

Consuming about five ounces of calamari every week is considered safe during pregnancy and is beneficial for your developing baby. Calamari is the Italian name for ‘squid’, which is high in nutritional value. It is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids (1), proteins and other essential nutrients; and is low in sodium and saturated fat content. What about the mercury levels, though?

Calamari And Mercury

Almost all seafood contains some traces of mercury. Since mercury can have adverse effects on the nervous system of your developing baby (2), you need to stay away from the seafood such as tilefish, swordfish, marlin and king mackerel that contain a high level of mercury. However, Calamari is one of the safest seafoods to be consumed during pregnancy as it is low in mercury content and high in nutrition. However, have it in limited quantities – not more than five ounces a week – to make the most of its goodness.

Nutritional Values And Benefits Of Calamari

Here is the entire list of nutrients you can find in three ounces of cooked calamari serving, and how they will benefit you (3): Nutritional food need not always be lacking in flavor. You can make it interesting to eat so that you reap its benefits while relishing the taste.

How To Consume Calamari While Pregnant?

Here are some guidelines you must follow while consuming calamari when pregnant to obtain the best from this nutritious seafood:

Avoid eating deep fried calamari. Deep frying reduces its nutritional value as well as adds unhealthy saturated fats, which may contribute to excessive weight gain.

Eat steamed or sautéed calamari so that the nutrients are intact, and it is easy on your digestive system.

Make calamari at home with fresh vegetables and all the ingredients that can make the dish tasty for you.

Sauté calamari in green salads to make a delightful snack.

Thoroughly clean the calamari and cook it well. Image: Shutterstock

Check the expiration date, freshness of the product, and hygiene of the store before you purchase calamari.

If you are allergic to calamari, then stay away from it during pregnancy. Before you start eating the seafood, make sure to talk to your doctor as she/ he can tell you if you need it in your diet during pregnancy.