Cheese is an excellent source of protein and calcium. Bocconcini cheese is an unripened variant of cheese that is nutritious as well as delicious. However, you may be skeptical about eating Bocconcini cheese during pregnancy. It may be a safe and effective alternative for keeping you full for a long time and suppressing cravings, but certain factors may make it less safe for pregnant women. The primary reason is the presence of microbes. So it is very important to scan through the product label for words such as pasteurized before going for your favorite cheese. In this post, we have provided a detailed guide to help you choose the right Bocconcini cheese you may enjoy during pregnancy.

What Is Bocconcini Cheese?

Bocconcini means ‘little bites’ in Italy. Bocconcini cheese refers to the tiny egg sized Mozzarella cheese pieces, which are native to Naples. Decades back, people were in a habit of preparing the cheese only from the milk of water buffaloes. The cheese pieces are white, semi-soft, unripened mild, and rindless, They are available in plastic tubes containing either whey or water. Today, people prepare Bocconcini using a mixture of cow’s and water buffalo’s milk. Since Bocconcini cheese is perishable, you should consume fresh cheese while you are pregnant. The cheese tastes great with a salad of tomatoes, basil, and olive oil (1).

Health Benefits Of Bocconcini Cheese During Pregnancy

1. Provides ample proteins:

Bocconcini cheese is rich in proteins. One serving of the cheese contains about 5.2 grams of proteins. Proteins are essential during pregnancy for good growth and development of the fetus as well as promoting your good health. Proteins also help stimulate muscle formation. So eating eating bocconcini while pregnant helps women enjoy a healthy pregnancy (2).

2. Prevents the risk of osteoporosis:

Bocconcini cheese is rich in the mineral calcium. Pregnant women need adequate amounts of calcium for strong and healthy bones and teeth, muscle contraction, nerve transmission, cardiovascular health, and blood clotting. Include the delicious cheese in your diet to avail of all the benefits of calcium during pregnancy. Of course, there are many sources of calcium you can consume. However, eating bocconcini helps prevent the risk of development of osteoporosis to a great extent (3).

3. Provides Enough Calories:

One ball of Bocconcini cheese tends to weigh about 1 oz. Eating one such ball of this cheese provides you with 60 calories. Thus, you can have an adequate intake of calories while enjoying your favorite cheese during pregnancy (4).

4. Offers adequate amounts of sodium:

One oz ball of Bocconcini cheese provides about 20 mg of sodium. Eating a few balls of the cheese helps you fulfill the necessary daily intake value of sodium during pregnancy, Sodium helps balance fluids in your body. The mineral aids in transmitting nerve impulses. Also, sodium is necessary for appropriate muscle contractions. Reduction in sodium in your body can lead to low blood pressure. Therefore, eating bocconcini when pregnant helps regulate your blood pressure effectively and may even help prevent preeclampsia (5).

Can You Eat Bocconcini When Pregnant?

Even though there are numerous health benefits of consuming Bocconcini cheese during pregnancy, you need to make sure whether it is safe for consumption during pregnancy. As a matter of fact, Bocconcini cheese is safe to enjoy while expecting, only if the manufacturers pasteurize and pre-package the cheese. Make sure the cheese is prepared using only pasteurized milk and not raw milk. Pasteurized Bocconcini cheese lacks contamination, and so it is safe to consume during pregnancy. Also, have a word with your doctor before eating the cheese while expecting (6).