Like several other viral infections, it is possible to contract hand, foot, and mouth disease during pregnancy (HFMD), albeit rare. HFMD typically affects infants, children, the elderly, and those with a weakened immune system. It is caused by coxsackievirus, a type of enterovirus that is highly contagious. A mother’s immunity is naturally suppressed during pregnancy to prevent fetal rejection; hence, it is possible to contract HFMD, especially in the later stages of gestation (1). Read on to learn about the symptoms, treatments, and prevention of HFMD during pregnancy.

Symptoms Of Hand, Foot, And Mouth Disease

Some pregnant women may have mild symptoms, while many are asymptomatic. The symptoms begin to appear after a few days of exposure to the virus. However, the symptoms of this infection in pregnancy are similar to signs in a non-pregnant state and include the following (2) (3).

Low-grade fever

Mouth or throat pain (sore throat) Ulcers in the mouth and on the tongue Malaise and uneasiness Loss of appetite Small blister-like rashes or lesions on hands, fingers, soles, and genitals

Complications Of Hand, Foot, And Mouth Disease In Pregnancy

There is no clear evidence of hand, foot, and mouth disease complications in pregnant women, the fetus, or newborns. A pregnant mother could pass the virus to the baby, but there is no evidence to demonstrate the involvement of the virus in causing birth defects (4). Also, few studies state that having this infection in pregnancy may expose your newborn to mild to severe infection. However, in rare cases, having a fever during the first months of pregnancy, such as due to HFMD, may lead to miscarriage (5). A few research studies also suggest that this infection in pregnancy rarely increases the risk of complications such as spontaneous abortions, intrauterine death, myocarditis, respiratory failures, and neurodevelopmental delays in infants (6) (7). However, there is conflicting data in this regard, and literature supporting the causal relationship and adverse effects of this viral illness on fetuses is limited.

Transmission Of Hand, Foot, And Mouth Disease’

Hand, foot, and mouth disease can occur anytime, but more frequently during the summer and fall months (4). The regular mode of transmission is through the fecal-oral route. The disease is communicable and also occurs due to (8):

Consumption of contaminated water Inhalation of respiratory droplets from an infected person (cough or sneeze) Direct contact with an infected person (hand to hand) and touching nose, eyes, or mouth (close contact, kissing, hugging, or sharing utensils) Contact with contaminated mouth or throat secretions (including saliva, sputum, or nasal mucus) or fluids from blisters

Young children exposed to the virus at daycare may spread it to their pregnant mothers. The postnatal transmission of this virus from a pregnant mother to her baby is common and may occur through respiratory secretions, blood, and maternal secretions during vaginal delivery. The intrauterine transmission route is seen with a little frequency and is not well-documented (9).

Diagnosis Of Hand, Foot, And Mouth Disease

The diagnosis of hand, foot, and mouth disease is based on the clinical features and symptoms. Additional laboratory tests are usually not needed. However, stool or blister samples or throat swabs might be taken for analysis in some cases (10).

Treatment For Hand, Foot, And Mouth Disease In Pregnancy

There is no specific treatment for HFMD. Most people reportedly see a spontaneous improvement in their symptoms within a week or two without any medical intervention. However, if you feel you have contracted the virus in pregnancy and need treatment, contact your doctor, who may suggest the following treatments (3).

Acetaminophen or ibuprofen to relieve pain or soreness Gels, sprays, or mouthwashes for mouth ulcers

Additionally, you might be advised to stay hydrated and avoid certain foods and drinks, such as spicy or acidic foods, to avoid irritation in the ulcers and recover faster.

Prevention Of Hand, Foot, And Mouth Disease In Pregnancy

The best way to prevent hand, foot, and mouth disease during pregnancy is to maintain good hygiene throughout your gestation period. You may observe the following good hygiene practices (11).

Wash your hands thoroughly with soap after using the toilet, changing diapers, wiping your nose, coughing and sneezing, before and after caring for a sick person, and before eating (if you don’t have soap and water available, you can use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer) Avoid sharing utensils, personal care items, such as towels, and clothes with any family member, including your children, during pregnancy. Make sure to disinfect any soiled items and contaminated surfaces periodically (e.g., toys and doorknobs). Cough or sneeze into your elbow or a tissue, and discard the tissue in a bin. Wash your hands immediately. You may wear a face mask when outdoors. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. Avoid close contact with anyone who is infected with the illness. Drink plenty of water and take proper diet and rest to maintain good overall health and immunity.
