Coconut water for babies is ideally introduced after the first six months. Apart from having rejuvenating effects, a tender coconut drink is known for its high nutritional and medicinal benefits (1). Though it is a popular health drink loved by adults, especially athletes, most parents wonder if they may give this drink to their babies. Read on the post to explore the benefits, some important measures, the right age, and ways to begin feeding coconut water for babies.

Is Coconut Water Good For Babies?

According to the U.S. National Institutes of Health, coconut water is considered safe for children in general (2). There is no research to note the use of coconut water specifically for babies. However, coconut water is rich in electrolytes, carbohydrates, and amino acids (3), and these nutrients are required for a baby’s growth.

When Can Babies Have Coconut Water?

You may introduce coconut water after the baby attains the age of six months old. The American Academy of Pediatrics states that water can be added to a baby’s diet once they begin consuming solids (4). However, introduce it in one or two spoonfuls and check if there are any adverse reactions. Also, do not introduce two new foods at a time.

Nutritional Value of Coconut Water

100g of coconut water contains the following nutrients. Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture (5), World Health Organization (6), and U.S. National Institutes of Health (7)

Benefits of Coconut Water

Coconut water can have the following health benefits for babies. Coconut water has several benefits tagged to it. But it is also important to know if there are any risks of giving coconut water to babies.

Possible Risks of Coconut Water For Babies

Coconut may pose the following risks to a baby.

Measures To Follow While Giving Coconut Water To Babies

Coconut water is naturally sterile as the water permeates through the husk and is filtered (10). Therefore, you need not boil coconut water before serving it to a baby. However, keep the following measures in mind when you decide to feed coconut water to the baby.
