You have been seeing this guy for quite a long time, and you both genuinely enjoy spending time with each other. Your conversations are effortless, and you feel comfortable in his company. When you both are so close and share a beautiful bond, you might wonder, ’does he want a relationship?’ Understanding a man’s intentions can be quite hard. You may want to ask him whether he wants a relationship directly, but you are worried that you would appear desperate and scare him away. Most men wait for the opportune moment to confess their feelings either because they are shy or looking for more positive signs. So how do you know if he has serious intentions for you? Here we have come up with several telltale signs that a man wants a relationship with you. Read through this post to know more.

25 Signs He Wants A Relationship

These signs are something you would notice early on in your friendship. However, if you do not see any signs, then try to talk to him before you get into unrequited love. 1.  He is never busy for you. A man who is serious about you will always be there for you. He could be busy with his work, but will prioritize you over everything else when you need him. 2. He makes you laugh. You may always be happy and cheerful when you are with him. He will make sure you are laughing and smiling all the time. You can sense that he genuinely wants to see you happy. 3. He tries to know you. If your man is interested in you, he will want to know the real you, your likes and dislikes will interest him the most. He will ask you questions and want to know your opinions. 4. He respects you. A man looking for a long-term relationship will treat you as his equal. He will respect your opinion and will never force you into doing anything that goes against your views. 5. He shows interest in your family. When a man wants a relationship with you, he will want to get close to your family. He may ask you to share things about your family and also show interest in meeting them. He will also come forward to help you in looking after them. 6. He is protective of you. If you find your man calling to find out if you have reached home safely, then he is genuinely interested in you. He may also be more alert while with you to ensure your safety. 7. He doesn’t mind splurging on you. He doesn’t mind spending a little extra to make your fantasies come true when he wants a relationship with you. He may also give expensive gifts, which are exclusively for you. 8. He wants everyone in his world to know you. If he feels “you are the one,” he wouldn’t hesitate to show you off to friends and family. In fact, he will make it a point to introduce you to everyone in his world, right from his parents, to his best friends, and even to his pets. 9. He will not lust over you. Men who want a relationship with you will compliment you, but those compliments will be about your thoughts, opinions, or personality. They rarely talk about your body. 10. He doesn’t hide things from you. The basis for a strong relationship is mutual trust. If your man wants to be your life partner, then he will not hide things from you, and be comfortable talking about the most vulnerable of topics with you. 11. He apologizes. No matter how stubborn or hot-headed he might be, he will apologize to you, because he values your relationship more than his ego. He wouldn’t want to lose you over a silly fight. 12. He encourages you. If he wants a relationship with you, then a man will help you to become a better person; he will correct you, encourage you, and genuinely help you to move ahead in life. 13. He treats you special. When a guy is serious about you, he will treat you as someone special; he would go out of his way to make you comfortable and happy. If he is doing things that he normally doesn’t do for just anyone, then it is a sign you are important to him. 14. He doesn’t flirt with other women. Another major sign that he wants a relationship with you is he doesn’t flirt or show interest in other women. He will also cut contact with women who might be interested in him. 15. He talks about his future with you. If your guy talks about his future and also includes you in it, then that is a sign he wants a long-term relationship. He will even ask your opinion while making major decisions, like buying a car or a house. 16. He will try to impress your friends. A man who is interested in you would try to impress those that are important to you. He will want to make a good impression. He might also show interest in hanging out with them to get to know them better. 17. He keeps his word. Do you find your man sticking to his words? Then you might be special to him. A man who wants a relationship with you will always fulfill his promises because he wants to earn your trust. Also, he will never make a promise that he cannot keep. 18. He does not disappear. When a man wants a relationship with you, he won’t make you feel unwanted by ghosting you. He will always inform you if he is running late or when his phone is about to die. He won’t want you to second guess his love for you. 19. He lets you into his inner sanctum. You will know things about him, which no one else knew. From silly childhood stories to personal issues, he will share his most intimate details with you. He may also let his guard down and share feelings and fears with you. He will also want to share his favorite things with you. For example, if he lets you drive his limited edition sports car, then boy! He seriously likes you. 20. Gives you freedom and space. In this relationship, you can be who you are. Your man will not restrict you or crowd you, and you need not think before sending a message or pretend to be something you are not. With him, life will be free of drama and stress. 21. He makes excuses to spend time with you. When a man really likes you, you need not guilt-trip or beg him to spend time with you; he will do it out of his own interest. He will arrange date nights and take you to fancy restaurants for dinners. He will not lose any opportunity to spend quality time with you. 22. He misses you. You are away for a month on a business trip, and when you meet him, you suddenly find him saying how much he missed you. This is a sign that a man is serious about you. He also may not have a clue until then, but when you were apart, he might have missed and thought about you every second. 23. He plans surprises. It could be a trip to Paris for your birthday or an expensive dress you had your eyes on, he surprises you by doing things you like. He will also enquire about your bucket list and plan to fulfill all of them. 24. He gets jealous. Does your man get jealous when you talk about your handsome neighbor or a funny friend? Then he might be serious about you. This jealousy would be cute and adorable and not possessive and overbearing. 25. Deep down, you would know it. No matter how many signs he might be showing, the most trustworthy sign would be your gut feeling. If deep down, you strongly feel he wants a relationship with you, then most of the time, it would be true. So, always trust your instincts.