You may start experiencing the early symptoms of pregnancy one to two weeks after conception. Excessive thirst during pregnancy is one such symptom that occurs due to various physiological and biochemical changes in the body. It’s not uncommon for pregnant women to be thirsty all of the time. Read this post to learn more about extreme thirst during pregnancy, its causes, and how to deal with it.

Is It Normal To Feel Extremely Thirsty During Pregnancy?

It is normal to feel intense thirst during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, when you start to experience the other symptoms. However, some women may have the urge to drink more water even during the second and third trimesters. Sometimes, you may feel thirsty even after drinking enough water, which could make you wonder if all is well with your body. This feeling of excessive thirst could be managed once you know the reasons for it. Some pathological conditions such as diabetes and excessive vomiting may make you thirsty.

What Are The Causes Of Excessive Thirst During Pregnancy?

One of the primary reasons for feeling extremely thirsty is not drinking enough water. Other reasons for it could be: Other than the above, intake of salty and spicy foods could make you intensely thirsty. Also, if you consume a lot of caffeinated beverages, you could feel dehydrated, parched, and thirsty.

What Other Symptoms Do You Experience With Excessive Thirst?

There could be various symptoms indicating that you need more water. Some of them include:

Persistent dryness in the mouth and throat Swelling in hands and feet Frequent urination Tiredness Blurred vision and dizziness Leg pain

If you experience these symptoms, it is important that you take the necessary remedial steps.

How To Deal With Extreme Thirst During Pregnancy?

Besides drinking plenty of water, you could do the following to manage excessive thirst during pregnancy. If you are unable to manage the condition through any of the above measures, and if the symptoms are not tolerable, consult a professional.

When Does It Become A Cause For Concern?

Watch your symptoms and understand your body’s requirements during pregnancy. This might help you know when to meet the doctor. You should contact the doctor: In the next section, we answer some common questions related to thirst during pregnancy. Did you feel intense thirst during the early weeks of your pregnancy? Share your experiences with us in the comment section below.
