Green tea is one of the most effective drinks that improve metabolism. But is it safe to have green tea in pregnancy? This post will help you answer this question. Green tea is a rich source of catechins and is processed with minimal oxidation compared to other teas (1). Catechins are substances that prevent your cells from completely absorbing the folic acid, as the presence of folic acid in the blood during pregnancy helps prevent neural tube defects. However, there is not much scientific evidence to give the green light to having green tea while pregnant. Therefore, it is advised to consult your doctor before consuming it. Read on to know more.

Is Green Tea Safe During Pregnancy?

Yes, it is safe to drink green tea in moderate amounts as there aren’t any clinical studies advising against its consumption during pregnancy. Green tea is rich in nutrients, which means you can enjoy a cup or two every day. However, you need to limit the quantity due to the epigallocatechin (EGCG) and caffeine content in it (1).

What Is Epigallocatechin In Green Tea?

EGCG is an active ingredient and a powerful antioxidant in green tea (2). As good as it may be, the compound can affect the body’s folate metabolism, which is important during pregnancy (3). Folate is essential to prevent neural tube defects in the fetus. As green teas are the least processed among all the teas, they contain the highest concentrations of this component that may be potentially harmful during pregnancy.

How Much Caffeine Does Green Tea Have?

An 8oz (237ml) cup of green tea contains about 24mg to 45mg of caffeine, although the exact quantity depends on the brewing time and the brand of tea you choose (4). The same amount of coffee contains about 95mg to 200mg of caffeine, which means a typical cup of green tea contains less than half the amount of caffeine in a cup of coffee (5). Also, a cup of decaffeinated green tea contains around 12mg of caffeine or less (6).

How Much Green Tea Is Safe While Pregnant?

You can have up to 200mg of caffeine a day, which accounts for three to four cups of green tea in a day. However, you need to consider the caffeine you are consuming through other sources such as soft drinks, coffee, cola, chocolate, energy drinks and more (7). See to it that everything put together doesn’t go above 200mg a day.

What Are The Benefits Of Consuming Green Tea During Pregnancy?

Green tea offers more benefits than standard black teas, coffee, and other caffeinated drinks. Here are some of its benefits.

1. Regulates blood pressure:

High blood pressure during pregnancy can lead to a complication called preeclampsia. Green tea is an excellent source of antioxidants, called polyphenols, which help in preventing cell damage in the body. Therefore, regular consumption of green tea can regulate blood pressure (8).

2. Keeps blood sugar under control:

Some of the compounds in green tea can modify the glucose levels by controlling the sugar levels in the body. Green tea is also beneficial if you have gestational diabetes (9). Talk to your doctor if you are concerned about your blood sugar levels or have gestational diabetes.

3. Protects against dental issues:

During pregnancy, you are prone to dental problems such as cavities, gingivitis, and more. The antioxidant catechin, present in green tea, has the power to destroy the bacteria and virus causing some of these issues (10).

4. Resolves skin problems:

Acne and breakouts are common due to the hormonal changes in pregnancy. The antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties of green tea will help reduce these skin problems (11).

5. Alleviates mood swings:

Antioxidants in green tea increase the metabolism rate, which works in countering mood swings during pregnancy. Also, the amino acid called theanine in green tea provides relaxing effects, helping treat mood swings (12).

6. Boosts immune system:

Green tea stimulates the body’s ‘T cells’, which play a key role in improving immunity and fighting off common and mild illnesses (13). Before you prepare a big cup of green tea and sit down to drink, you may want to know about its side effects, if any.

Are There Any Side Effects Of Drinking Green Tea While Pregnant?

Along with the benefits, green tea can also cause some side effects if consumed in excess.

Consumption of excessive amounts of green tea may affect the iron absorption ability of red blood cells (14). It can, therefore, lead to gestational anemia, hampering the oxygen and nutrient supply to the baby.

Green tea might inhibit absorption of folic acid, which is very important during pregnancy (15). Folic acid is essential during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy to prevent neural birth defects in babies.

With a progressing pregnancy, the body’s ability to break down caffeine decreases. So excess green tea consumption might interfere with the sleep patterns and alertness, and also increases the risk of adverse effects in pregnancy (16).

Which Variety Of Green Tea Is Safe During Pregnancy – Organic, Decaf Or Matcha?

All three varieties of green tea can be safely consumed during pregnancy, although in limited quantities. Also, daily caffeine intake should not exceed 200mg a day.

Organic green tea is a certified tea that has been extracted from the plants grown using natural farming methods, without the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers.

Decaf green tea has relatively less caffeine content, compared to the standard green tea.

Matcha green tea is made from the finest green tea leaves that are rich in antioxidants. The stems and veins are removed and then ground to fine powder. You can have up to no more than one cup a day of this tea since it is more concentrated than regular green tea.

Picking the right tea is just the first step. Brewing it right and drinking it at the right time makes all the difference.

Tips For Drinking Green Tea While Pregnant

Here are a few things to remember while having green tea:

Do not drink on an empty stomach because green tea contains tannins that may cause acidity, further leading to nausea, constipation, and stomachache.

Do not have it along with meals as it may dilute the gastric juices and hampers the absorption of iron from food.

Maintain a gap of at least two hours between meals and green tea.

Do not have more than two cups of green tea a day.

Do not drink green tea before bedtime or late afternoon as it might affect your sleep.

Buy a properly packaged tea from a reputable brand or seller.

Use filtered water to make green tea.

Next, we answer a few common questions about green tea in pregnancy.
