We always keep hearing, stay away from negative people. But, what if your spouse is a pessimist. How to deal with a negative spouse? The Cambridge dictionary explains negativity as ‘an attitude that is not hopeful or enthusiastic’ (1). Negative people always imagine the worst out of a situation. They are constantly fearful of the future and do not enjoy their lives to the fullest. They are apprehensive about circumstances and suspicious about people. Such people feel that life is unfair to them. If you have a negative spouse, you should support and guide them. Being with such people can drain you out of positivity, but they need help to change their attitude. This article shares some tips on how you can help your spouse to overcome negativity and enjoy life.

Reasons Why Your Spouse Could Be Negative

It is easy to identify and label a person as negative, but not everyone makes an effort to understand why or how a person develops a negative attitude. Here are some reasons why your spouse could be negative.

1. Suffered or suffering abuse

A person who has been exposed to physical, emotional, or sexual abuse is highly susceptible to develop a negative attitude. Such a person is even at the risk of developing depression and anxiety (2).

2. Bitter experiences in the past

Experiences of rejection and disappointments in the past can make a person cynical. They feel expectations could make them vulnerable. So, they do not hope for anything good, to not get disappointed when things go the other way.

3. Negative childhood environment

Children who grew up with parents displaying a negative attitude towards life tend to adopt the same attitude. It is more like a way of living or habit, so they do not see any wrong in it and do not change it.

4. Unfortunate events in life

Unfortunate events such as the loss of a loved one, sudden loss of job, separation from a partner, and similar events can have a tremendous impact on a person’s mind. It can even change a person’s outlook on life and develop a negative attitude.

5. Failure in meeting unrealistic expectations

When people sometimes set unrealistic goals, they often try to change themselves to achieve them. However, if things do not shape up as per their expectations, they get frustrated and develop resentment for life and hardships.

6. Hardships or trauma experienced in life

Some people experience tremendous hardships in life from a young age. Constant hardships in life can make a person bitter. They cannot handle failure and eventually view life as a burden and seldom enjoy anything in life. This can also be true of current hardships. If your spouse has a particularly stressful career, he/she may be prone to feeling negative about their life. Show them support by giving them a listening ear and an open heart.

7. Low self-esteem

People with low self-esteem often crib and complain about their life to people only to validate their feelings from others. They also seek comfort in negative comments on other people—that acts as a brief consolation about their shortcomings.

8. Need for attention

Some people thrive on the positivity of empathy. They play the victim card in front of emphatic people and enjoy the sympathy that comes their way. They enjoy sucking out the positive energy of such people and leave them feeling drained.

9. Poor attitude towards life

Every person witnesses good and bad days in life. But some people tend to latch onto only the bad days thinking that good days are only momentary and life is more about the bad days. They tend to curse their luck and are convinced that life is all about suffering and nothing else.

10. Enjoyment in frequent venting

Some people enjoy venting out their frustrations as much as they can. They can narrate an unfortunate incident several times to different people. Sometimes they repeat the same incident multiple times to the same person. They just won’t let go of sad instances in their life and feel at ease when dwelling on their unhappy past. Thus, they develop a negative attitude towards life.

How To Deal With A Negative Spouse And Help Them Overcome Negativity

If your spouse is a negative person, do not dismiss them for their attitude but try to help them.

1. Stay positive

Whenever your partner seems upset or low, try to cheer them up but don’t tell them to be positive. The more you tell someone to be positive, the more the person will turn negative. Instead, hold on firmly to your positivity. Keep reminding yourself to be positive and do not allow any negativity to affect you. It will not be easy, but you can do it with patience.

2. Set clear boundaries

Talking and opening up the heart might help them unload some burden from their mind. Your positive energy might help them feel better, but that does not mean you should let go of your positive vibe. Create a boundary and do not push further. When you feel overwhelmed by your spouse’s negative energy, keep a distance. Take a break from them for a few hours till you feel positive again.

3. Do not absorb their state of mind

It often happens that when you listen to someone’s bad experience, you may connect with them and absorb negative energy. Instead of connecting, hear them out. Do not mimic their feelings. Be compassionate but not at the price of your positive energy.

4. Don’t feel guilty

Listening to a spouse’s negative complaints and dissatisfaction with life might make you feel guilty if you do not help them. Do not lose sight of the fact that you are not responsible for their unhappiness. Take care of them but don’t adopt their negative energy as it would complicate further.

5. Don’t react

Some negative people thrive on drama and complain to get attention. But if you stop reacting, they would stop whining. For instance, whenever you feel they are trying to pick an argument, do not argue back, instead agree to everything they say. Your ‘no reaction’ will surprise them, and they will give up complaining to you.

6. Don’t accept undeserved blame

There will be times when your spouse might blame you for their unhappiness. Just because they blamed you doesn’t mean that it is the truth. If you have erred, then make amends. But when you know you are not at fault, do not accept blame unnecessarily. Ignore what they say and let them realize their mistake.

7. Offer help

Often, negative people find it difficult to seek help from others. They grumble as they feel frustrated. So, next time your spouse seems to complain without any reason, talk to them and offer help.

8. Acknowledge their achievements

Negative people often lack self-esteem. To help them, you can start by acknowledging their achievements. Do not heap tons of fake praises for a minor accomplishment. If they figure out your lies, your acknowledgment will lose its importance. But when they do some good work, applaud their efforts. This way, they will gain more confidence in themselves.

9. Ignore hurtful comments

It may so happen that your spouse may speak negative words, which may hurt you. Instead of picking a fight with them, try to understand the reason behind their behavior. If possible, ignore their comments and move on. Do not be angry with them for too long.

10. Talk to them

When you get a chance, talk to your spouse and tell them how their pessimistic attitude takes a toll on your health. Try to make them see the situation from your perspective. Do not be rude and put across your point as mildly as possible.

11. Do not force your help on them

Your intentions might be right, but your spouse may not be able to understand you. They may not accept your help or may despise you for trying to change them. If they reject your help, do not feel disheartened. Try to take it in your stride and try not to pick a fight with them over it.

12. Be patient

If your spouse accepts your help, it does not mean they will change overnight. Even if they are willing to change their attitude, it will take time to become optimistic. So, be patient and let them take their time.

13. Encourage them

When your spouse indulges in activities they enjoy, it lightens their mood and helps release stress. Encourage them to cultivate a hobby or develop a new interest to keep them occupied in their free time and refresh their minds.

14. Seek professional advice

After trying everything, if you don’t find your spouse changing, seek professional advice. A therapist can help you and your spouse deal with the negativity. They can guide you on how to tackle your spouse’s negative attitude and change their outlook towards life.


title: “How To Deal With A Negative Spouse 14 Positive Ways To Try” ShowToc: true date: “2022-12-01” author: “Terry Bates”

We always keep hearing, stay away from negative people. But, what if your spouse is a pessimist. How to deal with a negative spouse? The Cambridge dictionary explains negativity as ‘an attitude that is not hopeful or enthusiastic’ (1). Negative people always imagine the worst out of a situation. They are constantly fearful of the future and do not enjoy their lives to the fullest. They are apprehensive about circumstances and suspicious about people. Such people feel that life is unfair to them. If you have a negative spouse, you should support and guide them. Being with such people can drain you out of positivity, but they need help to change their attitude. This article shares some tips on how you can help your spouse to overcome negativity and enjoy life.

Reasons Why Your Spouse Could Be Negative

It is easy to identify and label a person as negative, but not everyone makes an effort to understand why or how a person develops a negative attitude. Here are some reasons why your spouse could be negative.

1. Suffered or suffering abuse

A person who has been exposed to physical, emotional, or sexual abuse is highly susceptible to develop a negative attitude. Such a person is even at the risk of developing depression and anxiety (2).

2. Bitter experiences in the past

Experiences of rejection and disappointments in the past can make a person cynical. They feel expectations could make them vulnerable. So, they do not hope for anything good, to not get disappointed when things go the other way.

3. Negative childhood environment

Children who grew up with parents displaying a negative attitude towards life tend to adopt the same attitude. It is more like a way of living or habit, so they do not see any wrong in it and do not change it.

4. Unfortunate events in life

Unfortunate events such as the loss of a loved one, sudden loss of job, separation from a partner, and similar events can have a tremendous impact on a person’s mind. It can even change a person’s outlook on life and develop a negative attitude.

5. Failure in meeting unrealistic expectations

When people sometimes set unrealistic goals, they often try to change themselves to achieve them. However, if things do not shape up as per their expectations, they get frustrated and develop resentment for life and hardships.

6. Hardships or trauma experienced in life

Some people experience tremendous hardships in life from a young age. Constant hardships in life can make a person bitter. They cannot handle failure and eventually view life as a burden and seldom enjoy anything in life. This can also be true of current hardships. If your spouse has a particularly stressful career, he/she may be prone to feeling negative about their life. Show them support by giving them a listening ear and an open heart.

7. Low self-esteem

People with low self-esteem often crib and complain about their life to people only to validate their feelings from others. They also seek comfort in negative comments on other people—that acts as a brief consolation about their shortcomings.

8. Need for attention

Some people thrive on the positivity of empathy. They play the victim card in front of emphatic people and enjoy the sympathy that comes their way. They enjoy sucking out the positive energy of such people and leave them feeling drained.

9. Poor attitude towards life

Every person witnesses good and bad days in life. But some people tend to latch onto only the bad days thinking that good days are only momentary and life is more about the bad days. They tend to curse their luck and are convinced that life is all about suffering and nothing else.

10. Enjoyment in frequent venting

Some people enjoy venting out their frustrations as much as they can. They can narrate an unfortunate incident several times to different people. Sometimes they repeat the same incident multiple times to the same person. They just won’t let go of sad instances in their life and feel at ease when dwelling on their unhappy past. Thus, they develop a negative attitude towards life.

How To Deal With A Negative Spouse And Help Them Overcome Negativity

If your spouse is a negative person, do not dismiss them for their attitude but try to help them.

1. Stay positive

Whenever your partner seems upset or low, try to cheer them up but don’t tell them to be positive. The more you tell someone to be positive, the more the person will turn negative. Instead, hold on firmly to your positivity. Keep reminding yourself to be positive and do not allow any negativity to affect you. It will not be easy, but you can do it with patience.

2. Set clear boundaries

Talking and opening up the heart might help them unload some burden from their mind. Your positive energy might help them feel better, but that does not mean you should let go of your positive vibe. Create a boundary and do not push further. When you feel overwhelmed by your spouse’s negative energy, keep a distance. Take a break from them for a few hours till you feel positive again.

3. Do not absorb their state of mind

It often happens that when you listen to someone’s bad experience, you may connect with them and absorb negative energy. Instead of connecting, hear them out. Do not mimic their feelings. Be compassionate but not at the price of your positive energy.

4. Don’t feel guilty

Listening to a spouse’s negative complaints and dissatisfaction with life might make you feel guilty if you do not help them. Do not lose sight of the fact that you are not responsible for their unhappiness. Take care of them but don’t adopt their negative energy as it would complicate further.

5. Don’t react

Some negative people thrive on drama and complain to get attention. But if you stop reacting, they would stop whining. For instance, whenever you feel they are trying to pick an argument, do not argue back, instead agree to everything they say. Your ‘no reaction’ will surprise them, and they will give up complaining to you.

6. Don’t accept undeserved blame

There will be times when your spouse might blame you for their unhappiness. Just because they blamed you doesn’t mean that it is the truth. If you have erred, then make amends. But when you know you are not at fault, do not accept blame unnecessarily. Ignore what they say and let them realize their mistake.

7. Offer help

Often, negative people find it difficult to seek help from others. They grumble as they feel frustrated. So, next time your spouse seems to complain without any reason, talk to them and offer help.

8. Acknowledge their achievements

Negative people often lack self-esteem. To help them, you can start by acknowledging their achievements. Do not heap tons of fake praises for a minor accomplishment. If they figure out your lies, your acknowledgment will lose its importance. But when they do some good work, applaud their efforts. This way, they will gain more confidence in themselves.

9. Ignore hurtful comments

It may so happen that your spouse may speak negative words, which may hurt you. Instead of picking a fight with them, try to understand the reason behind their behavior. If possible, ignore their comments and move on. Do not be angry with them for too long.

10. Talk to them

When you get a chance, talk to your spouse and tell them how their pessimistic attitude takes a toll on your health. Try to make them see the situation from your perspective. Do not be rude and put across your point as mildly as possible.

11. Do not force your help on them

Your intentions might be right, but your spouse may not be able to understand you. They may not accept your help or may despise you for trying to change them. If they reject your help, do not feel disheartened. Try to take it in your stride and try not to pick a fight with them over it.

12. Be patient

If your spouse accepts your help, it does not mean they will change overnight. Even if they are willing to change their attitude, it will take time to become optimistic. So, be patient and let them take their time.

13. Encourage them

When your spouse indulges in activities they enjoy, it lightens their mood and helps release stress. Encourage them to cultivate a hobby or develop a new interest to keep them occupied in their free time and refresh their minds.

14. Seek professional advice

After trying everything, if you don’t find your spouse changing, seek professional advice. A therapist can help you and your spouse deal with the negativity. They can guide you on how to tackle your spouse’s negative attitude and change their outlook towards life.
