Persimmon is a nutritious and healthy fruit primarily grown in parts of Asia. Persimmons during pregnancy can provide you with the required nutrition while satisfying your taste buds with their sweetness. Pregnancy is all about eating healthy, and this fruit imparts several health benefits, especially to pregnant women when consumed in adequate amounts. Read on to know more about the fruit and its benefits during pregnancy.

What Is A Persimmon?

Persimmon, also popular as ‘Nature’s Candy’ and ‘The Fruit of the Gods’, is an orange tomato-shaped fruit with a waxy texture. The delicious fruit belongs to family Diospyros, and it’s native to China. You can enjoy eating fresh, raw, cooked, or dried persimmons. The sweet and pulpy fruit is highly nutritious and beneficial for your health during pregnancy (1).

Is It Safe To Eat Persimmon During Pregnancy?

Yes, you can enjoy eating persimmons during pregnancy. However, you need to have adequate amounts. Eating the fruit helps ensure a healthy pregnancy. The nutritional content in persimmons could promote the growth and development of your fetus and ensure the good health of the expecting mother. Have a word with your doctor before including the fruit in your regular diet during pregnancy.

Health Benefits Of Eating Persimmons During Pregnancy

Persimmons contain high amounts of vital nutrients, so it offers you several health benefits when you consume it while expecting.

1. Promotes Fetal Growth:

Persimmons are a good source of calcium and phosphorus. So, eating persimmons fruit during pregnancy helps promotes growth and development of your unborn baby’s bones. Also, the fruit promotes the smooth functioning of the central nervous system (2).

2. Cures Anemia:

Iron content in persimmons helps prevent the risk of anemia during pregnancy. Eating fruit during pregnancy helps boost your hemoglobin count and prevents the adverse effects of anemia, such as fatigue and dizziness.

3. Boost Immunity:

Eating persimmons during pregnancy helps strengthen your immune system substantially. Vitamin A and carotene content in the fruit helps strengthen your eyesight and heart muscles and promotes the smooth functioning of body processes. Also, vitamin C content in the fruit enhances your immunity substantially.

4. Regulates Blood Pressure:

Persimmons can be effective in treating hypertension during pregnancy. The magnesium content in the fruit could help lower your blood pressure while you are expecting (3).

5. Treats Kidney Stones:

Persimmons contain good amounts of magnesium that can help minimize the risk of kidney stones during pregnancy. Eating the fruit can ensure the good health of your kidneys.

6. Fights Insomnia And Stress:

Vitamin C and antioxidants in persimmons can help strengthen immunity and minimize the effects of stress, anxiety, depression, and insomnia (4).

7. Alleviates Cold And Hiccups:

Persimmon is popular as a traditional medicine to fight cold. The fruit might also help relieve hiccups and their adverse effects during pregnancy (5).

8. Prevents Cancer:

Persimmons contain compounds, such as betulinic acid and shibuol, which offer you anti-cancer benefits. Eating the fruit during pregnancy protects you from the risk of development of cancer. (Click to Tweet!)

9. Detox:

Persimmon is an excellent source of powerful antioxidants, which help detox your body and liver during pregnancy. Also, antioxidant content of the fruit helps neutralize the free radicals in your body and protect you and your fetus from cell damage effectively.

10. Good Cardiovascular System:

Persimmon contains fiber and antioxidants, such as beta-carotene that can lower the risk of heart diseases. Thus, consuming persimmon as a part of a well-balanced diet can be a good choice to maintain cardiovascular health during pregnancy (4).


title: “Is It Safe To Eat Persimmon During Pregnancy " ShowToc: true date: “2022-11-17” author: “Diane Williams”

Persimmon is a nutritious and healthy fruit primarily grown in parts of Asia. Persimmons during pregnancy can provide you with the required nutrition while satisfying your taste buds with their sweetness. Pregnancy is all about eating healthy, and this fruit imparts several health benefits, especially to pregnant women when consumed in adequate amounts. Read on to know more about the fruit and its benefits during pregnancy.

What Is A Persimmon?

Persimmon, also popular as ‘Nature’s Candy’ and ‘The Fruit of the Gods’, is an orange tomato-shaped fruit with a waxy texture. The delicious fruit belongs to family Diospyros, and it’s native to China. You can enjoy eating fresh, raw, cooked, or dried persimmons. The sweet and pulpy fruit is highly nutritious and beneficial for your health during pregnancy (1).

Is It Safe To Eat Persimmon During Pregnancy?

Yes, you can enjoy eating persimmons during pregnancy. However, you need to have adequate amounts. Eating the fruit helps ensure a healthy pregnancy. The nutritional content in persimmons could promote the growth and development of your fetus and ensure the good health of the expecting mother. Have a word with your doctor before including the fruit in your regular diet during pregnancy.

Health Benefits Of Eating Persimmons During Pregnancy

Persimmons contain high amounts of vital nutrients, so it offers you several health benefits when you consume it while expecting.

1. Promotes Fetal Growth:

Persimmons are a good source of calcium and phosphorus. So, eating persimmons fruit during pregnancy helps promotes growth and development of your unborn baby’s bones. Also, the fruit promotes the smooth functioning of the central nervous system (2).

2. Cures Anemia:

Iron content in persimmons helps prevent the risk of anemia during pregnancy. Eating fruit during pregnancy helps boost your hemoglobin count and prevents the adverse effects of anemia, such as fatigue and dizziness.

3. Boost Immunity:

Eating persimmons during pregnancy helps strengthen your immune system substantially. Vitamin A and carotene content in the fruit helps strengthen your eyesight and heart muscles and promotes the smooth functioning of body processes. Also, vitamin C content in the fruit enhances your immunity substantially.

4. Regulates Blood Pressure:

Persimmons can be effective in treating hypertension during pregnancy. The magnesium content in the fruit could help lower your blood pressure while you are expecting (3).

5. Treats Kidney Stones:

Persimmons contain good amounts of magnesium that can help minimize the risk of kidney stones during pregnancy. Eating the fruit can ensure the good health of your kidneys.

6. Fights Insomnia And Stress:

Vitamin C and antioxidants in persimmons can help strengthen immunity and minimize the effects of stress, anxiety, depression, and insomnia (4).

7. Alleviates Cold And Hiccups:

Persimmon is popular as a traditional medicine to fight cold. The fruit might also help relieve hiccups and their adverse effects during pregnancy (5).

8. Prevents Cancer:

Persimmons contain compounds, such as betulinic acid and shibuol, which offer you anti-cancer benefits. Eating the fruit during pregnancy protects you from the risk of development of cancer. (Click to Tweet!)

9. Detox:

Persimmon is an excellent source of powerful antioxidants, which help detox your body and liver during pregnancy. Also, antioxidant content of the fruit helps neutralize the free radicals in your body and protect you and your fetus from cell damage effectively.

10. Good Cardiovascular System:

Persimmon contains fiber and antioxidants, such as beta-carotene that can lower the risk of heart diseases. Thus, consuming persimmon as a part of a well-balanced diet can be a good choice to maintain cardiovascular health during pregnancy (4).
