Pinworms in kids are very common. Pinworm infestation in kids is characterized by a constant anal itch and resulting irritation or restlessness. The parasitic infection usually happens due to poor oral hygiene and inadequate cleanliness. Pinworms in children can be treated with oral and topical medicines. Read this post to learn about the causes, symptoms, home remedies, and prevention of pinworm infection in children.

What is a pinworm infection?

Pinworm infection develops in the intestine of young children and is mostly found in kids aged between five and ten years. Pinworms are very tiny but can be seen with a naked eye. They live inside the colon of a human body and multiply when the female worms lay eggs during the night. Therefore, the itchiness is the highest during bedtime.

What does a pinworm look like?

Pinworms look similar to small pieces of dental floss or white cotton thread. Hence, they are also called threadworms. They are about half an inch in size and look like a jelly type structure.

Is a pinworm infection harmful to kids?

No, worms in children are not harmful or life-threatening. An infection caused by pinworms only results in severe itching and sleepless nights. But it is always advisable to take precautions and seek expert advice. There are various remedies to cure pinworm infection and visiting a doctor would help in recovering faster.

Is pinworm infection contagious?

Yes, an infection caused by pinworms is contagious and spreads quickly among children, especially those who are in daycare facilities. It can spread through a toilet seat, not maintaining a hygienic environment and through other ways, which we will see next.

How does pinworm infection spread?

A very significant cause of pinworm infection is the lack of hygiene. Threadworms in children can spread in the following ways: Pinworm eggs have a life of about two weeks when they are deposited on clothing, bedsheets or any object. Therefore, maintaining cleanliness and hygiene is extremely important to keep your children safe.

Symptoms of a pinworm infection

Here are the most common symptoms of worms in children (1):

Normal symptoms:

Rashes and itching around the anus

Irritable bowels Sleeplessness Constipation Bed wetting

Severe symptoms:

Loss of appetite Vaginal discharge in girls of any age Extreme weight loss Disturbed behavior

How is a pinworm infection diagnosed?

Tape test is used to identify the pinworm infection in children (2). This test can be performed either at home or at a doctor’s clinic. It does not require any preparation and can be done quickly to detect pinworm eggs around the anal area. Tape test is a common name and is also referred to as Oxyuriasis test or Enterobiasis test in medical terminology. The test can be done on three alternate days to improve the chances of detection, and involves three simple steps:

How to treat pinworm infection?

If your kid is diagnosed with pinworm infection, then the doctor might prescribe some medications such as mebendazole or albendazole, and pyrantel pamoate, which is available without a prescription (3). They may also prescribe Terramycin 5mg per pound of your child’s weight (4) . For the child to recover quickly, give the medicines as directed by the physician and complete the entire course of dosage. Your doctor may advise the whole family to take a precautionary dose of medicines as pinworms are contagious. Most importantly, trim your child’s nails and make them wear a well-fitting undergarment to prevent them from scratching their bottom. Otherwise, they keep getting reinfected from their own fingers (autoinfection). Note that it is not advisable to use over-the-counter medicines for children. Therefore, consult a doctor for advice.

Home remedies to treat pinworm infection

Some of the most popular home remedies for curing a pinworm infection are: There is no scientific research to substantiate the cure of pinworms through home remedies, but the effectiveness is anecdotal. A home remedy which works for one person may or may not work for another. Also, do not use home remedies if your child is allergic to any of the ingredients.

How to prevent pinworms in children?

Pinworm eggs can spread quickly if precautionary steps are not taken. Some of the necessary preventive measures are (3): Next, we answer a few questions that our readers frequently ask.
