When you find your teen often sitting with their video games, you may be wondering about the possible effects of video games on teenagers. We may hardly know a teen who dislikes playing video games. Consequently, a study found out that 97% of teens and children play video games for at least an hour a day in the US (1). Read on as we present a detail of the negative and positive effects of video games on your teen, some signs of video game addiction, and useful tips for managing the same.

Positive Effects Of Video Games On Teenagers

Yes, video games can be good for your child. Don’t be shocked, we’ll tell you why. Here are the reasons why virtual gaming can be good (1) (2).

1. Improves cognitive functions:

Contrary to popular belief, video gaming can enhance multiple cognitive skills such as better allocation of attention, visual processing, memory, reasoning, and perception, according to research published by the American Psychological Association. Researchers have studied a meta-analysis of video games and concluded that the positive effects of violent games included improvement in a player’s capability of thinking in different dimensions, just the way some academic courses do. Free Worksheets and Printables for Kids Select GradePreschoolKindergarten1st Grade2nd Grade3rd Grade4th Grade5th Grade Select SubjectEnglishMathScienceSocial studies   Search & Download

2. Hand and eye coordination:

Research has shown that teens can learn spatial, visual and eye-hand coordination skills from video games, especially from shooter games. Some games require a great deal of these skills to be successful. For example, players need to keep track of positions, speed, aim, directions and more. The brain processes all this data and coordinates with the hands since all the actions are performed with the keyboard or game controller. Lead author of the research Isabela Granic from the Radboud University Nijmegen in The Netherlands, says, “This has critical implications for education and career development, as previous research has established the power of spatial skills for achievement in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.”

3. Quick thinking and accuracy:

The action in video games prepares gamers to make smart decisions in split seconds. Also, they need acute attention to cope with unexpected changes in the game.

4. Work on dexterity:

Online gaming improves the movement of hands with the mouse and keyboard. They learn to use the shortcut functions on the keyboard and give quick responses.

5. Problem-solving abilities

Researchers suggest that video games can aid teens in developing problem-solving skills because while playing strategic video games like role-plays, young adolescents get better at solving problems.

6. Some games can improve moods and ward off anxiety

Games such as Angry Birds and Bejewelled II are straightforward and bring instant happiness or relaxation and improve moods. Researcher Granic calls it a “fundamental emotional benefit” kids can derive from video games. The games can also teach young people how to cope with failures.

7. Promote the theory of incremental intelligence

Teens, who are encouraged and praised for working on a puzzle or game, develop an idea of progressive knowledge, which is essentially believing that intelligence is not fixed and can be improved; it can be grown with effort and time. This way, video games provide an ideal ground for children to acquire such traits of thoughts.

8. Other benefits

Educational video games can teach school subjects more interactively, and pro-social games can increase empathy in teens. The positive effects depend on the games your teen chooses to play. Violent and sexually explicit games are more negative than positive.

The graph here illustrates the percentage of time US teenagers spend playing video games, according to the data collected in 2018 by the Pew research center. When compared to boys, girls are shown to spend less time playing video games.

Time spent by US teen boys on video games

Negative Effects Of Video Games

The bad effects of video games are mostly related to the amount of play and the game content.

1. Aggression in teens:

One of the most detrimental effects of playing violent video games is increased aggression in children. A comprehensive meta-analysis involving more than 100 research papers has shown that exposure to violent video games is a causal risk factor for increased aggressive behavior (4). Some researchers have claimed that violent video games can desensitize children to violence, and lower the likelihood of a pro-social behavior.

2. Addiction to gaming:

The term ‘pathological gaming’ or video game addiction is being widely discussed in the medical circles though it is not yet classified as any formal disorder in the US Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). Tom Kersting, a New York-based school counselor and therapist, says, “Video games are designed to be addictive. They target the pleasure-seeking part of the brain that produces dopamine. Gamers are swimming in dopamine, which is not a good thing because too much dopamine is tied to every addiction whether drugs, gambling, or gaming.” Pathological gamers are likely to develop anxiety, insomnia, social isolation, and depression. Moreover, these factors are co-morbid in the sense that they can influence each other. Therefore, pathological gaming can result in depression, anxiety, or social phobia and the latter three can make the child more inclined and attracted to gaming.

3. Poor academic performance:

This is one of the side effects of video games on teens. Playing video games for long hours can affect your teen’s performance in school. Studies have shown that a higher amount of time spent in playing onscreen games can be associated with lower academic performance. A survey has shown that 47% of heavy online players got poor grades, while 23% of light users performed better than them (5).

4. Adverse effects on health:

Excessive gaming can have an adverse impact on the teen’s health as they spend more time playing virtual games rather than having some physical exercise. This practice increases the risk of childhood obesity. Sometimes, children also skip meals and sleep to play games they are addicted to. The constant glare from the screen can also harm the child’s eyesight in the long run. You can avoid these negative effects on your children if you keep monitoring their activities.

Tips For Managing Teen Media Consumption

As a parent, you can do certain things to mitigate the negative effects of video games on kids’ behavior and achievements. Kersting observes, “Once the stimuli (video games) is removed it leads to withdrawal, irritability, and even assaultive behavior. The good news is that if the stimuli is removed (games), it will take the brain about 30 days to rebalance itself and restore homeostasis.” If your teen is spending excessive time on gaming, then you should look out for the symptoms of addiction.

Symptoms Of Video Game Addiction

Do you feel your child is spending too much time playing on screen? Then look out for these signs and symptoms:

1. Excessively preoccupied:

If your teen is suffering from video game addiction, they are preoccupied with the game even when they are away from playing.Video games are harmful if a teen is excessively occupied with it.

2. Lacks control:

A video game addict cannot control the amount of time they spend on the computer. They might start playing with the intention of spending just 20 minutes, but prolong it for hours. This impacts their studies and other hobbies.

3. Neglects other things in life:

Your teen prefers staying home and playing games to going out or spending quality time with friends. They may also perform poorly in studies.

4. Becomes a spendthrift:

The money you give them or they earn through part-time jobs all goes into buying gaming items. They continuously upgrade software and hardware packages and accessories and don’t mind the costs involved.

5. Gets defensive

They do not want to discuss their gaming addiction with you. They snap at you when you ask them about their time spent on gaming. It is an indication that something is wrong, especially if they look unconcerned that their friends and family are feeling left out from their life. Teenage behavior may change drastically if he or she becomes an addict. You must intervene even if your teen exhibits two or three of the above behavioral patterns.

Measures To Address Video Game Addiction In Children

Pathological gaming must be treated the same way as any other addiction. So, how do you begin to fight the addiction? Here are some ways to address video gaming addiction among teens.

1. Talk to your teen:

Help your teen recognize their compulsive behavior. They might be adamant and deny that there is anything wrong with them, but do not lose hope or patience. Tell them how you are worried to see them spend such long hours gaming. Try not to be judgmental. They may feel embarrassed.

2. Limit the time:

Do not take away their gaming console or computer to bring them out of the problem. They might become adamant and continue playing outside your home, which could be even more troublesome. Instead, discuss with your child, and set time limits. Allocate some time every day when they can play the game. You may reduce the playtime gradually from three hours a day to two, one and so on. Encourage your child to stick to the schedule, and set an example by keeping your laptop and smartphones away.

3. Consult a therapist:

If your efforts at home are not working, take them to a therapist or enroll them in a de-addiction program. Counseling will lead to the path of recovery.

4. Cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT:

The therapist may also recommend cognitive behavioral therapy that focuses on changing the child’s thoughts and feelings. It is the most popular approach to video gaming addiction. It involves replacing unhealthy thoughts about games with something constructive and reducing the time spent on playing games. You have to work on it by giving rewards for following new rules, making constant reminders to stop playing and involving the teen in other activities (5).
