Remember the time of your childhood when you loved your teachers reading the Story Of ‘Lion And Jackal’ For Kids? Now that you are a parent, you probably are looking forward to doing the same for your child! Bedtime storytelling is indeed a great idea. Storytelling helps keep you connected with your child and helps them learn about new things and situations around.

The Panchatantra

The Panchatantra is a treasure trove of moral stories. The lion and the jackal story is from this collection. It is an entertaining one, but at the same time, it also offers some valuable lessons for a growing and developing kid. Before we move on to the story itself, let’s learn more about exactly how storytelling can help your child.

How Storytelling Helps

Storytelling is known to have many benefits for both you and your child:

It helps strengthen your bond with your child.

It helps promote a positive attitude in your kid right from the tender age of development.

Through storytelling, your kid will learn more about the rich culture and traditions.

He will improve his vocabulary and learn more about different situations, objects, people, animals and nature.

It opens up a world of possibilities for your child.

The Lion And The Jackal Story

Once upon a time, there was a clever jackal who was passing through a narrow and rocky mountainous region, looking for food. Before he could find something to eat, he came across a lion.

The jackal got scared and stopped in his tracks, thinking of a way out of the situation. He knew that if he didn’t think of something quickly, the lion would capture him, and he would have no way to escape.

Finally, he came up with a quick plan, and before the lion could approach him, he started crying out for help while looking above at the rocks in the mountainous region.

The lion approached him and asked him what the matter was. The jackal quickly explained that the rocks above them were about to fall any moment, and that they would be crushed under the weight of those heavy and bulky rocks.

Before the lion could get a chance to react, the jackal explained how they could save themselves by hiding under another huge rock they found nearby. The foolish lion who was proud about his strength, quickly picked up the rock with both his hands, and asked the jackal to hide underneath it.

The jackal quickly ran away on the pretext of fetching a log to hold the rock onto the place, and never came back.

The Moral

The story of the Lion and the Jackal has many morals for growing children. Here they are:

Firstly, one should not take pride in their abilities and strengths, as it can cloud their judgment and cause them to make wrong decisions.

Secondly, it also teaches one to always find a way out of difficult situations, and use the mind at its best.

Lastly, it also teaches one to trust carefully and think twice before acting upon a situation.

Why Animal Stories Work

Most cultures have folktales and myths associated with animal characters. This is because children identify greatly with animals, and imparting wisdom through animal characters is a good way to subtly pass on certain moral lessons.